The Last First Year - Part 2

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~Where they meet Nobara~

We were watching a girl with short brown hair, a skirt that goes down to her knees and cropped shirt/jacket uniform, all in all she was veryyyyy pretty. She grabbed onto the collar of the man looking for models asking him what he thinks of her.

Y - Wait, she's the one we have to go and talk too? This is real embarrasing.

He said while wearing glasses that said "ROOK" and holding up a crepe and a bag of popcorn.

F - Tch. Yeah, so are you.

K - Have you looked in a mirror?

That caused Gojo-sensei and Megumi to snicker as Yuuji just pouted at you.


~The lockers~

N = Nobara

G - Right I'd like you to meet...

N - Nobara Kugisaki. You should be honored boys. I'm your groups only girl.

G - Haha, your funny Kugisaki, but your not the only girl in this class...

I was hiding behind my father, Kugisaki, she intimated me, she's so much more pretty than me, she's overly confident but it fits her. She's perfect. Dad pushed me a little out from behind him so I'm beside him but still basically hiding.

Nobara' POV:


Y - I'm... Yuuji Itadori from Sendai.

He was pointing at himself, with a huge smile on his face.

F - Fushiguro

He turned to look at me with a straight face.

K - umm. Hi, I-I'm Karma Shi-Gojo. It-it's nice too me-meet y-you.

She was hiding behind my new teacher, *hmm they look identical*, she seems incredibly shy, she gave me a small wave and smile.

My eyes narrowed. I looked towards Itadori - *He looks like a potato. He's definitely the type to eat his own boogers as a kid.* - I then looked towards Fushiguro - *And just his name? I can't stand high and mighty dudes. I bet he likes setting oil-slicked seagulls on fire.* - Finally, I looked at the shy girl - *Hmm, she's gorgeous, I can tell she needs someone like me to help her break out of that shell of hers, though I can't see her eyes I can tell they're jaw-dropping, I think we're gonna be best friends.* - My eyes soften at her and I see her sigh from relief.

N - Ugh. This is what I gotta work with? Just my luck.

I see the girl stiffen again, ooh maybe I should've rephrased that too reassure her that I just meant the two idiots beside her.

Y - She took one look and sighed. That can't be good.

F - Are we going somewhere from here?

Wow, he just blew it off like it was nothing. Poor girl, I didn't even get her name through all her stuttering, I feel really bad for her now.

Karma's POV:

Her eyes soften at me and I take a sigh of relief. Maybe, she and I could be the girl duo.

N - Ugh. This is what I gotta work with? Just my luck.

My world shatters as I stiffen up again. My father realizes as he crouches down to reassure me everything will be fine, he puts his hand on my head and begins to stroke my hair until Megumi spoke to him. He shot right up before anyone looked at us.

F - Are we going somewhere from here?

Dad laughs a bit before he answers.

G - Well we do have all 4 of you together, and since 3 of you kids are from the country side. That means... we're going to Tokyo.

"TOKYO! TOKYO! TOKYO!" Gojo-sensei, Yuuji, and Kugisaki chanted

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"TOKYO! TOKYO! TOKYO!" Gojo-sensei, Yuuji, and Kugisaki chanted.

"TOKYO! TOKYO! TOKYO!" Gojo-sensei, Yuuji, and Kugisaki chanted

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"We love Tokyo" Kugisaki and Yuuji sang.

F - Huh?

And thus began Yuuji and Kugisaki fighting about places that were or weren't in Tokyo. I just stared at the scene before me quietly laughing to myself. Until, dad spoke;

G - If you quiet down, I'll announce our destination.

Yuuji and Kugisaki then knelt to the ground as if they were bowing down to a King, awaiting their King's orders.

G - Roppongi

G - Roppongi

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