"Flowers for you"

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Ship: Milliot (A bit of Jailey)
Genre: Fluff

Milly woke up to the sound of ringing. She looked over to her nightstand to see that Sean was calling her.
'Huh, why is Sean calling me?' She thought to herself. She picked up the phone and put it to her ear.
"Yeah Sean? What's up?" Milly asked, her voice a bit groggy. She was confused on why Sean had called her.
"Hey Mils. Why is Elliot outside your locker?" Sean replied. Within seconds, Milly's face lit up with blush. She jumped up from her bed.
"H-He's- Wha- Why!?" she yelled.
"I dunno, I could ask if you want?" Sean asked the flustered girl on the other line.
"I-I gotta go.." Milly said, hanging up the phone.

Milly ran to her closet to get dressed. After that, she brushed her hair and her teeth. She ran downstairs to grab her lunch money, her guitar and her school bag.
"Bye mum! Bye dad! Love you!" she yelled to her parents as she grabbed her keys and sped off to school.

Huffing and puffing, Milly ran to the music room to drop off her guitar when someone grabbed her arm and dragged her into the shadows.
"Oi! Let go of-" she started, the the figure put their hand over her mouth and turned her around. Elliot?
"Sh! Also,quick warning, you know who is in the music room right now so I wouldn't go down there if I were you. he said as his calming voice echoed a bit through the shadows.
Their faces were only inches apart. Milly wanted to kiss the boy who stood in front of her. Without thinking, Milly pulled Elliot's warm hands off her mouth, which she regretted immediately and held them in her own. She tried to look the boy in the eyes, but it was too dark. A faint blush spread on Milly's face.
"Don't worry about me Elliot. Now, why'd you pull me back here?"

Even though it was dark, Milly could see a faint blush on Elliot's cheeks, thanks to his glasses reflecting some light.
"Well, I-I pulled you back here to show you s-something," he said, pulling his and Milly's arms down. "F-Follow me!" Elliot began to pull Milly across a very dimly lit corridor to an unused classroom. An old club room. He creaked the door open and turned on the lights. The room with filled to the brim with old(ish) drawings and paintings, dead plants and old books. Elliot gave Milly this "you like it?" look, without saying a word. Milly almost completely forgot about her guitar and began looking around.
"Woah," the pink-haired devil mumbled. Elliot on giggled slightly.
"C'mon, I know a shortcut to the music room, those idiots should be gone by now," Elliot said as he dragged Milly along to the music room.

They got to the music room. Milly placed her guitar down next to Zander's piano. She walked back over to Elliot at held his hand again. They both walked out.
"How'd you even find that?" Milly asked Elliot as they walked off to the pink-haired devils locker so they could find Sean.
"I was just exploring the school and came across it," he replied. They walked across the corridor in comfortable silence, fingers interlocked.
"Milly! Elliot!" someone called to the both of them. Hailey.
"Hails!" Milly responded, giving her friend a one armed hug, still holding Elliot's hand. They pulled away began to talk.
"So, how are you two?" Hailey asked. Milly only smiled and gave her a nod as she was still trying to look for Sean.
"I'm good! How are you Hailey?" Elliot asked back, giving the teal-haired singer a warm smile.
"Eh, good as someone who lives with Zander and at this point also lives with Luke can be," she said.
"We can still hear you y'know?" a familiar purple-haired boy asked annoyed. Hailey only rolled her eyes. They all kept walking and talking when Milly eventually found Sean.
"Sean!" she yelled. Sean walked over and saw that Milly and Elliot were holding hands. He smiled and winked at Milly, signalling he wouldn't tell anyone.
"Hey guys! Where's Jake?" he asked. Zander rolled his eyes at the use of Jake's name.
"He's probably off somewhere with his group of goons," Zander said. Milly started to look around, in hopes of finding the groups singer. She found him quickly and pointed to him.
"There he is!" the pink-haired devil exclaimed. Elliot looked over to where Milly was pointing to see a specific pink-haired boy. Drew. Fear filled Elliot as his grip on Milly's hand grew tighter. A faint blush spread across her face as she looked over to the flower boy. She could feel the poor boy shake as Jake and his goons walked over.
"Awe, look. It's the music freaks and the garden boy," Drew laughed. Liam and Henry followed, but they forced a laugh.
Jake only said, "None of them are freaks Drew." They all looked at him, shocked. Drew rolled his eyes as a response.
"Why are you defending them? Who's side are you on Jake?" Drew groaned. Jake sighed as he thought of a response. One popped up. He may lose his old friends, but he couldn't bare seeing his newer friends go through this harassment.
"Theirs," Jake stammered, walking over to his real friends.
"Huh- Why!?" Henry stammered.
Milly gave him a side-eye before saying, "He chose us, now leave before I beat you a** as flat as the piece of lettuce leaf you have for a brain." The club let out small giggles, even Zander.
"Now screw off," Milly said, finishing her last sentence off. She squeezed Elliot's hand, letting him know he could loosen his grip.
"Thanks," he whispered. Milly looked at him and smiled.
"Thank you, Jake," the club president said, a light blush on her cheeks.
"It's fine, I should've done that a long time ago. You guys shouldn't have gone through that. I'm so so sorry," the singer replied. Milly looked over to peach-haired boy with a sad-ish look.
"I can try get Zoey and Lia to stop too," he said. Milly's face lit up.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" the pink-haired devil exclaimed. The male singer gave the group a warm smile. Zander sighed and looked at his step-sister. Everyone then looked over to her for her opinion.
"Huh- Why are you all looking at me?" the teal-haired girl asked. "Oh! Sure, don't see why not. Just don't go overboard please." They all smiled, except Elliot and Jake.
"Huh?" Jake stated.
"Mall. After school," the younger girl remarked. Luke and Hailey sighe, knowing what the purple-haired boy was about to say.
"Fine, but Milly, you need-" Zander started.
"-To buy me a new jacket from Heather's Sweater's," Luke, Haliey and Zander continued. The three childhood best friends laughed. Milly rolled her eyes.
"Fiiinnee, you wanna come Elliot. A new flower shop just opened," the little devil remarked. Elliot jumped slightly at the use of his name.
"H-Huh- O-Oh, yeah sure!" Elliot smiled. The whole club smirked at this. They all looked each other and nodded.
"Yeah, we'll leave," they said, walking off.

Milly PoV

I walk over to my locker and unlock it. Two things fell out. I let go of Elliot's hand.
"Huh, what's this?" I thought out loud, leaning down to pick up a note and a bunch of flowers. I stood up and looked over to Elliot, who was bright red. I brush it off and decide to read the not out loud.
"Flowers for you- Love, Elliot"

Singing out :)

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