Average day of school

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Today was just a completely normal day of school. Mackenzie veing anoying as ever, hanging with chloe and zoey and yeah...... and then biology came rolling round the corner. i sat down in my seat and surprisingly brandon wasbt there yet. so i waited and waited and waited, and he still wasnt there so class started and after about ten minutes, someone raced through the door and said "sorry im late!" and walked over and sat beside it wasnt long after untill i realised it was brandon i gased at the state he was in: his hair was messed up (not how it usally was) , his shoe laces were untied, he smelt a little bad and he was sweaty! yuck! i guessed he had woken up late. half way through class he passed me a note saying:meet me in the news paper room at lunch:)

*at lunch*

I was having lunch with my bffs, i was telling about what hapened in bio today."OMG! that would be so awkward nikki!" chloe said.then i remembered 'meet ne in he music room at lunch'. so i rushed out of the cafateria saying 'gotta go bye' i felt kinda bad about leaving them there. but i really wanted to see brandon. any way, when i reached the newspaper room i took a deep breath and opened the door. "hi brandon" i said. he jumped in fright i couldnt help but laugh a little."oh its only you nikki you gave ne a liitle fright"he chuckled."well what did ya want to show me brandon?" "oh i just wanted to show you a few photos that i took yesterday" "oh cool where are they?" 'here" there were photos of me lieing on the floor with the puppies on top of me. i giggled. "you can keep them if you want" brandon offered " ok sure!" i took them and gave brandon a warm smile " anyways, i better get going" i told him." ok catcha later nikki!" "seeya" i left with a grin on my face.gotta go mum said its dinner time bye.

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