When they are in high school!

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In high school there was a boy name Roguefort.. Roguefort is very rich and wealthy and Roguefort has a little sister name Danablu! She is in kindergarten and she is very short but smart like very smart in the first day roguefort sits on the front row as always and he is all alone well Roguefort comes very early for studding for the exam today.. Until he met a boy! One year older than him and he has Brown hair and Blue Eyes.. He say down next to roguefort. Roguefort feeling butterflies but he didn't show it and continue reading the book. Almond sits next beside Roguefort and they have a little conversation
AD ( Almond): Hello there, are you new here? I never seen you around like really!

RFT (Roguefort): Ah yes I am new! Well nice to meet you I'm roguefort! And I just moved into this school!

AD : Nice to meet you there Roguefort! I'm almond! Hmm studding for the exam huh?

RFT : Mhm! I am is kinda hard lol

AD : It's is hehe..

They stop the conversation and start Studding for the exam until the bell rang! The teacher said " okay everyone books down and do the Exam! Roguefort could you hand these Paper for the exam? " The teacher! And roguefort replied with " yea sure miss!" Roguefort go to the teacher desk and hand everyone their Paper for exam"

⋆~⛧ TIME SKIP ⛧~⋆

The bell rang.. Is lunch time! Everyone get out from the classroom and goes to the cafeteria! Almond and Roguefort sits together like a couple! And they have a conversation while eating...

AD : Hey Roguefort! So how was the exam?

RFT : Is okay.. Kinds hard tho! ( Roguefort says that while eating and noticing almond didn't eat)
RFT : Hey uhm Almond are you gonna eat?

AD : Uhm no.. I didn't bring my lunch ( he said that while looking at Roguefort)

RFT : Ah! Okay well I could share some of my food if you want!

AD : Uhm  no thank you roguefort.. I'm good! ^^

RFT : Okay if you say soo~ ( roguefort smile and eats his food)

⋆~⛧ TIME SKIP ⛧~⋆

The bell rings and everyone heading to their class! They have art and they are gonna make a amazing art about nature and explaining it in front of the class! Roguefort finish with his one and show his art in front everyone! Almond look roguefort art in impressed! He really likes roguefort art!..
Roguefort explain about his art and yea! And the teacher was so amazed and give Roguefort a A+! Ofc roguefort was happy.. Roguefort go back to his seat and have another lil conversation with almond

AD : you did amazing roguefort! I really loves your art ngl!

RFT : Heh thank you Almond!

⋆~⛧ TIME SKIP ⛧~⋆
up next class is English! In English they have to write a poem and read it in front thier class! And they must write a poem with the one that they sit next to! Since almond and roguefort sit next together so they wrote a poem together! When they are done with writing the poem to go in front of the class and write their poem! Well not together.. They just read the poem that they supposed to made!
Almond feel with anxious but at least he nailed it and they gotten a A!

And up next is math! Math wasn't their subject but they tried

In math they have to solve a math question and cannot use a calculator.. Roguefort up first and get the first question right! Is surprising but maybe he just random guess!

⋆~⛧ TIME SKIP! ⛧~⋆

And finally their last subject before  school ends! And is chemistry! In Chemistry they have to made a genderbend potion! Roguefort doesn't know how to made genderbend potion neither does almond but they tried their best and well is failed but they got a B cause they made a love potion strange is it?

⋆~⛧ TIME SKIP ⛧~⋆

Finally is home time! Everyone was getting ready to go home! And roguefort looks at almond and say "Almond wanna meet up at the Coolest Cookie park? " While packing their things
Almond says " Sure!" While smiling and packing their things

HELLO Y'ALL! IS NANA HERE! and I'm sorry if this is really short I just.. To lazy to write and yea but I wanna like made a wattpad story :,D anyways I will continue it tmr morning and goodnight y'all!

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