Roguefort finding his little sister!

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They all finished getting ready to go home and they all went home except for roguefort and almond..! Almond ask roguefort "Rogue why your not home yet?" He ask with a very confused face roguefort replied with "I'm waiting for my lil sister.. Isn't it strange that kindergarten home last?" Roguefort replied to almond question with a very worried face "or maybe my lil sister is waiting for me in another place.. " Roguefort said very worried and almond said " Then lets go find your sister.. We don't want her waiting forever.." And almond grabs roguefort hand and goes to find roguefort little sister.. Danablu.. Is been one hour and they still haven't found roguefort little sister.. Roguefort starting to be so worried about Danablu and say "Oh no this is bad.. Is been one hour we still haven't found Danablu.. What happened if someone kidnapped Danablu?.. Oh god I'm getting so worried right now.." He is very worried and almost cried when almond say this "Hey calm down there Roguefort.. Maybe she is here somewhere don't cry or worried much come on let's go find her again! Who knows she is hiding somewhere.." Almond trys to comfort roguefort and they go find Danablu.. But still can't find here.. Roguefort is so worried and scared and he burst out crying and saying " Sis where are you! Please I'm so worried.. Mom would be so angry with me.. Come on sis where are you!!" Roguefort crys and almond see roguefort crys.. Roguefort sits in the floor and crying cause he is so worried.. Almond sit next to roguefort and comfort roguefort.. "roguefort don't cry! Don't lose hope rogue.. I know she is in this school somewhere! Oh come on rogue be strong.. Don't lose hope yet.. " Almond hugged Roguefort.. Roguefort gets up and look at almond "how would you know she is here somewhere? TELL ME NOW ALMOND! WE SEARCH ALMOST THE WHOLE SCHOOL AND SHE IS NO WHERE!" roguefort scream while crying.. Almond stares at roguefort in shocked and stand out "roguefort.. Don't starting to lose hope! I'm sure your little sister is here somewhere! I know it.." Almond hugged roguefort and roguefort hugged almond back "I'm so sorry I yelled at you I just can't help it anymore.. " While crying and almond say "Hey is okay! Come on man don't cry lets go find your little sister..!

⋆~⛧ TIME PASSED  ✧-~
Is been one hour and they still haven't found Danablu.. Roguefort getting so worried and just give up is like 2 PM already and they still haven't found Danablu.. Roguefort said "She no where! In this school! We have search for her and is now 2 PM! She is no where.. She probably already go home without waiting for me.. Maybe I just give up!" Roguefort said that in a very tired voice and sitting in the school bench.. Almond sits next to Roguefort and say "Hey don't give up yet! Why would you just give up from searching from your sister? Maybe she is hiding somewhere!" almond said that while looking at roguefort sad face..

Danablu is at her classroom finishing her masterpiece with the playdow and didn't  notice is already 12 AM She looked at the clock and say "woah.. I been here for a couple of hours.. My brother is worried! Maybe I should go and find my brother!" She said that while getting ready... She wears her backpack and goes outside of the kindergarten.. Searching for roguefort but didn't find him.. She getting scared and when she realized.. She goes to the wrong way! She was so tired but didn't give up! She goes to outside of the school but didn't find roguefort.. And she goes back inside of the school and found roguefort sitting on the school bench! Danablu runs to roguefort but slip in a rock.. She crys seeing her knee is bleeding

Roguefort sees Danablu in the ground and runs to her and saying "Sis you okay? Oh god.. Your knee is bleeding! Sshh... Don't cry okay brother is here! Oh my god you made me worried sick!" Roguefort hugs Danablu and crys.. Almond see them and come to them "You guys finally find each other! Roguefort was worried about you Danablu!" Almond sees Danablu knee bleeding and decided to heal it.. Danablu thank almond and they go home together!

HELLO EVERYONE! Nana is here and I wanna tell you guys something! Sorry if this short I tried making it long enough! Btw I'm continue this story one day one continue! I'm kinda tired writing this! Well today roguefort just finding his little sister! Since idk what else I should made! That's all! Bai y'all and have a good day! ^^ ( I'm very tired writing this and my head feels so dizzy.. But yea.. I writing this while hearing a music) baii!^~^

[811 words!⋆]

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