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billies pov.

empty, the only word for eavzns house that I stood in front of.

she fucking left. she left me.

she could never see through all the things I did and the sacrifices I made to love her.

i put my life on the line for her. many things I did that I don't like to speak of.

flash back. tw mentions of blood and gore?

"BILLIE PLEASE STOP" screamed sara as she crawled on the floor blood pouring out her side due to her being stabbed.

she didn't leave fast in time. that upset billie.

"didnt i fucking tell you to get a plane and get the fuck out of here huh? yet i find you on eavzn porch..did you really think i wouldn't see you?" billie said yelling chasing after the bleeding sara.

she reached her and began to start kicking sara's sides making more blood rush out and her spitting it out from her mouth.

sara yelped out crying and becoming unable to breathe as billie kept kicking her.

"i told you i was gonna fucking kill you , didn't i?" billie said smiling at sara who was crying in pain knowing she couldn't even answer due to what billie did to her.

"so...you want the gun or do i stab you to death?"

"please...bil-" sara tried to say as she reached out for billies legs trying to make her help her but she wasn't having it.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME." billie said loudly before pulling her gun out shooting sara in the head.

blood going everywhere; covering billies face.

the face that was once clean was now covered in red and so was the walls.

billie contuined to smile at what she had done.

this was all apart of her plan.

end of flash back.

eavzn must think she's crazy if she thinks she's leaving me with going thru hell first.
"get the fuck out of here now." eavzn said as she opened her mothers door to find me standing outside with flowers.

my smiled quickly turned into a frown because of the way she spoke to me.

"i came all this way for you-"

"and this is how you're talking to me? yeah billie you've said that sentence more than you've ever said i love you to me. didn't i tell you to leave me alone? did you NOT get the hint when i moved away from your stalking ass."

"what are you talking about.."i asked as my words got a bit harsher.

"oh you didn't see the dump i turned your house into?" she laughed sarcastically.

i then quickly grabbed her but she hand her hand attached to the door so her body didn't fully come out.

"don't make me scream billie let go of me."

"what did you fucking see eavzn" i spat getting more upset at the fact she might've find out about my obsession over her.

"i saw everything billie. you are a fucking freak.. i don't want you around me ever again." she said trying to yank her hand away from me but i just held on tighter.

"eavzn it's not what it looks like i can explain." i started to tear up thinking what to do.

how to manipulate her.

"it was sara's! all of it... that's why she left and was acting weird i caught her sneaking into your house and told her i would tell you." i said as i panicked putting on a show trying to desperately make her believe me, even tho i was obviously lying.

"bull shit billie, you're fucking lying! don't even dare bring sara in your mess." she said after a while of scanning my face.

my face turned blank, tears running down my face but i showed no emotion.

there was no way she was gonna believe me

i let go of her hands and walked to my car and watched her slowly walk into her house.

i looked at the gun sitting next to me on the car seat before backing out of her drive way.

oh eavzn, you are gonna make me do something i really don't want to.

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