Chapter 9

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Next Day

Nayeon Pov
When I woke up, I went downstairs and I thought that Lisa's Mom is cooking but it's not her figure when I entered the kitchen.

Hmm why do I feel so numb?..... She asked that made me stunned.

It's her voice not a doubt so I immediately back hugged her.

OMO...... She stated and she turned her head to me.

Nayeon....... Lisa stated and I smiled.

I missed you....... I stated and she smiled weakly.

I missed you....... Lisa stated.

Hmm just sit there, you're still weak......I stated.

Y-You don't even know what am I cooking...... Lisa stated.

But Lisa you're still weak...... I said to her worriedly

Sit down there...... Lisa stated as she take a deep breath.

I don't want some hindrance when I'm cooking...... Lisa added.

Lisa just sit down and let me cook......I stated but she just ignored me and continue to cook so I obeyed on what she said.

While she's cooking, I can't help but to smile. I missed this woman infront of me who's cooking even though she's still weak.

I know she's almost done but I saw her aunt and also her Mom standing in the entrance of the kitchen.

What are you doing here? You're still weak ...... Mrs. Manoban stated but Lisa didn't even pay attention to her.

Hey your Mom is talking to you...... I stated.

I'm busy, don't disturb me...... Lisa stated and I can hear irritation on her tone.

What's with the irritated tone Lisa?.....Her aunt asked her and I can hear Lisa mumbling something but I couldn't hear it clearly, I just only heard a monthly period.

What's with the monthly period?..... I asked her and she placed all the foods that she cooked in the dining table.

I'm just wondering something......Lisa stated and I saw Jessica unnie with Yoona unnie.

About what?...... Mrs. Manoban asked her

How long did I sleep in that room?......Lisa asked.

More than five years...... Her aunt stated.

She's here all along in that five years.

I'm just wondering if I ever got a monthly period while I'm sleeping.......Lisa stated.

Because menopause won't be the right reason....... Lisa added.

Well you're having a monthly period but we already took care of that and you just finished this month.......Mrs. Manoban stated.

Gosh, why do I feel uncomfortable about that?....... Lisa asked.

Why are you even thinking that kind of stuffs this early?...... Yoona unnie asked her that made Lisa look at her.

Unnie ........ Lisa stated and Yoona unnie hugged her.

I missed you........ Yoona unnie stated as she pulled out from the hug then our friends came.

So I can't say that my heart belongs to Nayeon anymore?...... Lisa asked.

Why?...... Jessica unnie asked her.

Because Yoona unnie owned my heart now...... Lisa answered.

And Nayeon can't have the heart that I have because this isn't my real heart......Lisa added.

Does her brain got affected to the operation that you did to her aunt?.....Wendy  asked.

Yes...... Her aunt answered.

You know what Lisa, just stop thinking that kind of stuffs , it will just give you and us a headache......Jeongyeon said to her

I'm still confused...... Lisa stated.

So are we....... Dahyun stated.

We just woke up and we will hear that, it's like realizing I don't really have a brain to work........Yeri stated.

If my he-

I didn't let Lisa finish her statement when I covered her mouth.

Jeongyeon is right, she's giving us a headache this early.

There's no more serious Lalisa anymore, it got replace by a confused Lalisa....... Chaeyoung stated.

Let's just wait for her to recover......Lisa's uncle stated.

If my mom is here then Jessica unnie won't be my impostor mom anymore and also to Yuri unnie ...... Lisa stated.

Nope, I can still be your mom but not impostor one Lisa....... Jessica unnie stated and before Lisa could speak I covered her mouth.

Let's eat so you can take a rest...... I stated

Wash your hands my ghad...... Lisa stated as she remove my hands.

My hands are beautiful and clean...... I stated but Lisa just ignored me.

She's like a brat right now.

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