13 - Her City

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Mina Ashido lay back in the bath, unaware of the strange scene next door. She could relax now, having successfully kept Mineta away. Maybe he would think twice before he bothered her next. Then again, he probably wouldn't.

'Oh well, I can always have YaoMomo make me a baseball bat to chase him with,' she thought, grinning.

She took deep breaths and let the warm water soothe her tired body. All that running, walking, training, battling. Now she was all tuckered out. She let her legs drift to the surface and her body float on top of the water.

"Hahhhhhh," she sighed.

She thought about her day. Her inspiring talk with the little boy in the coffee shop. Her time spent with her friends. Her fierce raid battle. Todoroki getting the last strike.


How he had stood there alongside his Darkrai, confused, but still with a slightly fierce expression. Cool and calm. That was what he always was. And the way he stood, with his Pokéball gripped in one hand. So stoic. So hot.


Another happy sigh escaped her as she thought of the red and white haired boy.

Maybe she could hang out with Todoroki some more tomorrow, she thought. She tucked her foot up into her lap and began massaging it, trying to rub the soreness out.

"Dang walking!" she said out loud, to no one in particular.

But of course, her adventures were worth some sore feet, and nevertheless, she would get up tomorrow and do it again, her desire to see Todoroki and her excitement for an adventure fueling her on and on.


A while later, Mina climbed out of the bathtub, wrapping herself in a towel. She dried off and put on her pajamas, then proceeded to do her nightly routine. She put some lotion on her face and hands, brushed her teeth, and quickly ran a brush through her short, and still wet, pink hair.

Once she was done, she walked back out into the main part of her bedroom and sat on her bed. She pondered if she should text goodnight to Todoroki, you know, since she had seen him that day, but that would involve asking someone for his number, seeing as she didn't know it.

"Hahhh," she sighed quietly.

That wouldn't work.

In the end she decided to text Jiro. She wasn't used to not saying goodnight to her, seeing as they lived on the same floor in Instinct Tower back home. She missed Instinct Tower a bit, too.

The Silver and Gold Towers were not solely just for that purpose, they were just called that, (and decorated quite extensively like that) for now. They were just the Towers used for any event, seeing as a lot of the events had two alignments that had to be kept in two separate places.

During normal, non event times, most of the trainers lived in the Mystic, Instinct, or Valor Towers, depending on, obviously, their team. And Mina's was Instinct. She loved Instinct Tower. The team towers were like the tower she was in now, just bigger, cooler, and just with more going on. More stuff they would need to call the place home. She was excited to go home.

'No,' she told herself, 'You wanted an adventure, now here's an adventure. You'll go home later, and be missing this.'

It was true, and it raised Mina's spirits a bit. She was on an adventure! She let out a quiet squeal. She pulled out her phone to finally text Jiro.

Mina: Goodnight Jiro!

Jiro: Goodnight. 🌙

Mina: Oh, and I almost forgot! Goodnight to Momo too!

Mina was one of the lucky few who didn't have to share with a roommate during the event, so she often forgot that everyone else did. Especially since they all got their own rooms back home.

Jiro: She says goodnight, and that she hopes you had a good day today.

Mina: Thanks Yaomomo! So sweet! :D

Jiro: Yep, always. That's Momoyao for you. ;)

Jiro: *sends photo of Momo laying with her face bunched in the blankets and her eyes closed*

Mina: :0

Mina: Is she asleep ALREADY?

Jiro: No, she's not. She's trying to get me to settle down and go to sleep by settling down herself and acting like she's sleeping. IT WON'T WORK

Mina: Alright, I'm laughing too hard for my own good. Now lay down and cuddle with your girlfriend, Shipper Mina demands it. I'm happy to see my ship sailing so nicely.

Jiro: YOUR ship huh? Ha ha ok, I'll settle down, I guess.

Mina: *gasp* I wish I had Toru to go take pictures! Why, why did she have to choose silver?! TORU COME BACK

Mina: Do you think she's still awake?

Jiro: I don't know, but I'm sure she does not want to walk in the dark to come take pics. Especially since you just told me about the idea.

Mina: Oh she might...



Mina: Awww ok fine. Goodnight Jiro.

Mina: Or you could just send me a picture?


Mina: Goodnight.

She switched her phone off and plugged it into the charger, setting it on her bedside table.

She tried to lay in bed, but her mind just wasn't having it. She needed something else, though she wasn't quite sure what.

Mina got out of bed and crept over to the huge window, pulling back the curtains and sitting on the floor in front of the glass. She stared at the gleaming city lights.

They took her breath away, just looking at them.

Somehow, she felt, this was what she had been needing, though she hadn't known it. She needed to just watch the city. It twinkled like a million little stars piercing though the darkness.

Her Goomy came over to her and she pulled him into her lap.

This was the biggest perk of being on a high up floor. The view. This was where she belonged, in her city, with her friends, and her home, and so many more adventures waiting to be had. She would rise to the challenge of each one. She loved it here. She was so glad this was her home.

Mina watched the city for a long time, staring through the window.

But everyone gets sleepy eventually, and the day's adventures had definitely taken a toll on her. So, after one last glance at the beautiful city below, a city that was all her own, or so she felt, she drew the curtains and climbed in bed.

She pulled the blankets up and nestled down into her pillow to get comfortable. And within minutes, Mina was asleep.

(This chapter is another one of my favorites)

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