Once, there was a Poet. He had never enjoyed violence, but if he had to, he would protect his friends.
Years ago, he was blessed with immortality. There was only one 'if' in this immortality... He had to keep people smile. His contract was meant to give him immortality, but he was supposed to keep his people with never dying hope.
This was a tough task... He could never know where he will be needed the most...
Once, the City of Wind got attacked by barbarians... The city was very attractive for them, because they always have had best juices and freshest fruits. All of that achieved by hard work of people of City of Wind.
The Poet, in these hard times couldn't do much. People were losing their hopes... He started feeling effects of his inefficiency. He couldn't stand seeing his people losing all of their families, hopes and dreams. He had to come to action.
His power was always hidden in his words. Once he sang a song, the wind started taking opponents away.
'There will not be any other loses than you, barbarians' he said. He pulled the strings of his lyre at once welcoming wind. There is no doubt, that he summoned this wind. It blew all of the opponents away while making a huge barier.
The years passed peacefully for people of City of Wind. The Poet became a bard to bring his friends smile on their faces. He was the best bard in whole city. He also knew lots of different songs from different eras. But after centuries, the city started feeling effects of isolation...
They were too weak to put barriers in moment they needed it the most. They were weak, but somehow kept going...
Three old friends
Short Story!Bad English warning! The story of a Soldier, Poet and a Ruler Few old friends, who can't share much time now...