・❥・Grand Opening・❥・

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The young man smiled at the building. It had taken him two years to get to this point, and it had finally paid off.

A young girl joined him, her (h/c) hair starkly different from her father's pink-covered head.

The man turned his attention to the girl and picked her up, balancing her on his hip. The excitement and admiration in her eyes was unmistakable. The café had been both their dreams.

"Will you do the honor of opening our café, (Y/n)?" the man asked.

The girl scrabbled down from her father's grasp and ran towards the large sign. Its bold letters proudly announced the café: "Whiskers and Whipped Cream!" 

She pushed open the glass door who's bell tingled cheerfully, flipping the small sign from closed to open. She smiled out at her father through the small panels of glass that made up the door.

She felt soft fur brush against her ankles and looked down to see a pretty black cat beside her.

Kneeling down she scratched the cat under his chin, earning her a loving purr in response.

The other cats were staggered throughout the café, some sitting on shelves, some relaxing in the sunny windowsill, others exploring the new area.

Most of the cats had taken the move from their respected shelters well, quickly warming up to the young girl. Though not many people could dislike her sunny personality. 

Getting all the cats to the café was part of the reason it had taken so long to open their beloved shop. The divorce between (Y/n)'s parents had also complicated things quite a bit, then there was also the process of purchasing the café from its previous owners.

A heavy feeling settled into her chest, (Y/n)'s mother was beyond furious when her daughter chose to stay with her father. It left the child feeling somehow responsible for the failure of the marriage. 

But this was a happy day! Whiskers and Whipped Cream just opened and the cats would get loving homes.

(Y/n) went to her spot behind the counter, her black kitten following behind her, and behind him was her father.

Now the two would just have to wait for the customers to roll in. The pair had spent the majority of the week running around Musutafu handing out flyers for their café and stapling posters.

"(Y/n), do me a favor and start boiling water and setting out the syrups for when people arrive. Be careful when you use the stove." the male instructed.

"Sure thing Pops!" she said, giving a playful salute causing her father to chuckle.

The young girl went into the kitchen and filled up the pot with water and began to heat it, unwrapped some of the large containers filled with various syrup flavors, and set out the coffee cups despite not being asked.

Sure enough, their first costumer arrived. She was a beautiful lady with a shaven head, died blue and pink. Young (Y/n) was awed by her piercings as well, especially the long dangly cat earrings hanging from her ears.

She seemed slightly shy as she looked at the menu.

"Could I get a small iced espresso with vanilla syrup, whipped cream, and mocha drizzle." she asked softly.

"Sure thing!" (Y/n)'s father chirped, rushing through the back doors into the kitchen.

(Y/n) was left alone with the lady, who was currently admiring a fluffy ginger cat. She slowly reached out to the creature, cooing when he rubbed his head against her hand. A smile graced her lips as she looked back at the small girl behind the counter.

"What is her name, or his name?" she asked.

"That is Citrus, she's two and we have had her since she was nine months." (Y/n) explained, eager that the lady had taken interest in the cat.

"She's very pretty. Oh, what's your name? I am Ayumi, Yuko. I live down the road." the introduced, continuing to pet Citrus.

"I am (Y/n) Chatani! Nice to meet you Ayumi-san. You are the first person I have met here so I hope we can be friends." the (h/c)-haired girl grinned.

Ayumi couldn't help but be enchanted by the little girl, "I would love to be friends!"

This seemed to set off the child just in time for her father to come back with Ayumi's coffee in tow.

"Pops, guess what! This is Ayumi-san and she is my first friend!" (Y/n) cried with stars in her eyes.

Her father sweat-dropped and handed Ayumi her coffee. She accepted it gratefully and brought the cold drink to her lips.

"Sorry about (Y/n), she gets a little over-excited sometimes." the man apologized.

"No please don't be sorry, she is an absolute delight! I am Ayumi as you already know. You must be (Y/n)-chan's father."

"Pleasure to meet you Ayumi-san, I am Kokuro. Welcome to Whiskers and Whipped Cream, you are our first customer so feel free to sit wherever you like, take time to play with the cats, and just have a great time." Kokuro assured.

Ayumi went and took a seat beside one of the cat towers, causing the felines to investigate her from their perch or a bold few cats to climb onto her table.

Kokuro looked over the scene. A customer happily interacting with cats, his young daughter sitting on the floor with a clowder (A/N: Had to google that word, lol) of cats in her lap. His dream was finally coming true. Not even young (Y/n)'s mother could ruin things at this point.

Grinning, he went back into the kitchen, trusting his daughter to keep the place together.


A/N: So hello my lovely flowers! As I am writing this I am sleep-deprived, running on a thing of yogurt, and have 20 missing assignments.

The first official chapter will be out in a few days so don't worry.

Please remember to upvote and comment, I love reading people's reactions to my work. 

Stay healthy, get some rest, and drink some water for me!

With Love, 


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