Relationship: Lorelai's Wife of many years
Age: like 5 years younger than Lorelei
Plot gist: Lorelai comes home from work to check on you because you haven't been. Checking you phone. She walks into find you with a baby. It makes her think.
—————"Where's y/n by the way? She was supposed to come down before lunch" Sookie asked mid conversation with Lorelai
"I have no clue I haven't seen he since I left this morning. She's not answering her phone either" Lorelai took her phone back out calming you again.
No answer.
"That's not like her"
"Not at all" Lorelai agreed with sookie
Lorelai filled with anxiety. what if something happened to you? Lorelai wouldn't be able to function without you. She knew you said something about driving Rory to school. What if you go into a car crash?
"I'm gonna go check on her" Lorelai said her panic slightly projecting in her voice.
She drove home and practically ran inside. Your car was in the drive way.
When she ran into the house she felt instant relief when she saw you standing in the living room rocking a small baby.
"Thank god" one of her hand flew to her chest in relief as she leaned against the door
"Lore, what are you doing her"
"Hi honey, ever heard of a phone? You have one. And I'm sure it's been ringing all day" you knew she was slightly annoyed at you by her tone.
You were mainly just waiting for her to process the fact that you were holding a small human in your arms.
She was silent for a second.
"Who's baby did you steal" she asked her anxiety now coming back at the thought of you being alone with this poor child for the past few hours.
"I didn't steal him. He was given to me" you held him protectively in your arms as if she was going to snatch him out of your arms
"I understand. By who. Who gave you their baby?" She put her hands on her hips.
She was trying so hard to resist the urge to smother the cooing baby in your arms
All her thoughts drifted away when the 7 month old reached out wanting to grab Lorelai's hair
"Hi buddy" she cooed
"Come 'er little man" she put in her baby voice taking him out of your arms
She bounced him slightly in her arms while bringing his head into her
"Oh my god, he smells like baby" she sighed breathing in his smell
"Ok freak give me back the baby" you tried to take him but Lorelai turned her body away from you making that impossible.
"Does be have a name" she asked still bouncing the baby
"Henry" you looked over her shoulder at the baby.
"I want a baby" Lorelai turned to look at you.
She said it so nonchalantly as if she was ordering a cheeseburger
"It's not that simple lore" you kept you eyes on the baby trying to keep the mood light.
Though you could feel Lorelai's gaze burning into your face
As Lorelai's was studying your face she pictured it
Obviously their baby would have to be a babygirl. She would have dark hair but pale blue eyes just like Lorelai and Rory but she would have your nose and smile.
Lorelai wanted that. She wanted to feel needed again. A little girl crawling into the two of yours bed at night after having a nightmare, or running to one of you when she fell off her bike. The name mommy floating around in the air.
She wanted that. And she was going to get it.

Lorelai Gilmore Oneshots- GxG (ON HOLD)
FanfictionGxG Lorelai Gilmore Oneshots because she's an underrated milf. Updates every Sunday Requests are open