This Isn't You Pt. 2

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Part 2 of This Isn't you

Part 2 of This Isn't you

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For @BiancaAloud

Sorry for the wait I hope you enjoy <3

When Lorelai woke up you were turning uncomfortably on the couch

she wasted no time, although she was mad at you she hated to see you in pain, she got up and made her way to the kitchen.

when she returned she had two Advil and a cup of O.J in her hands

"drink" she ordered when you sat up

you were stunned at her bluntness, although last night was a blur you remember how sweet she was to you in your moment of darkness.

"Lorelai, you didn't have to do this for me.. I'm sorry I'm an asshole I know"

"what was I support to do leave you there, alone and vulnerable and the curb. no fucking way... and yes. you're right, you are an asshole" the conversation quickly became heated.

it was obvious Lorelai was hurt by your actions last night.

"Lorelai I never asked-" you began to raise your voice at her matching her tone.

although, you were interrupted by the floor creaking from the kitchen. Rory.

"Rory-" your expression softened as you turned toward her

Lorelai and stepped into action before you could say another word to her daughter.

she was fine with you playing with her emotions but she would not let you drag her daughter into this.

"Go to Luke's. I'll be there in 20" sh handed Rory her car key and ushered her out the door.

"what did you say to her?" you gestured to Rory when the door closed

"This isn't about Rory-"

"I don't want her to be mad at me" you started to silently cry again

"fuck y/n" Lorelai sighed messaging her temples

she couldn't argue with you when you were worked up. She's always had a soft spot for you.

"she's not mad at you, ok, she's just worried" she tried to reason with you. she'd tell you anything to get you to stop crying

she walked back to you and put her hands on either of your arms trying to bring you some comfort.

once you pulled yourself together she pulled away.

"I'm going to luke's. I want you gone when I get back. i'll come by your hotel later" she ordered simply before walking out.

later happened to be 10:00 pm.

"y/n listen, I love you I really do... but you hurt me. a lot" sh stated truthfully

you could tell she wnt just talking about what happened last night.

"you can't keep acting out like this... do you have any idea what could have happened to you if ihaden't shown up when I did.. what if something happened." lorelai's eyes filled with tears

and suddenly the guilt hit you.

"I'm sorry lorelai. i didn't know you carried so much"

"Y/N... wew ere together for 10 years. 10... just because were over doesn't mean I'll ever stop carrying  for you" she walked toward the hotel bed that you were sat on the edge of.

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