Relationship: Engaged
Age: same as Lorelai
Plot gist: during a snowstorm, your heater breaks and the two of you have to make up interesting ways to say warm because Lorelai refuses to stay with her parents.
———"Lorelai, it's freezing" you walked downstairs wrapped in Lorelai's robe
"I don't know what's wrong.. the heater won't turn on" she whined her greasy hands on her pants
"Are you trying to fix it yourself?! No wonder it's not working?!?!" You exclaimed
"Well, would you prefer Kirk?" She tilted her head at you
"Umm yeah. Kinda..." you matched her sarcastic tone.
She huffed and turned back to the heater
"Nono.. stop it" you pulled her away from the heater seeing as she had no clue as to what she was doing.
"Can't we just go to your moms-"
"Luke's... you want some coffee baby? I fancy a cup of coffee myself" she cut you off kissing your cheek
She ran upstairs, you were guessing to change her clothes as you took a look outside
At least 8 inches of snow.
"We can't go out in that" your jaw was partially on the floor when she came back downstairs
she used her first two fingers the shut your mouth gently before pressing a small kiss to your lips.
"We have a car.. you know" she stated simply pulling on her gloves before securing a hat to your head.
you just stood they're still stunned
"we have a jeep.. you know" you mimicked
"go get dressed" she shooed you upstairs playfully making your ass along the way
when you returned she was outside attempting to start the jeep.
"ITS FROZEN ISNT IT" you yelled from the porch
richard seemed to like you. how would he feel if he knew Lorelai was keeping his precious daughter in law in an ice box
"nono. Dont you dare" she shreicked running after you.
she got to you just as you were dialling taking the phone out of your hands
"come on Lore, Im cold" you complatened
"i have an idea that might warm you up" she raised an eyebrow at you
"stop it, I'm serious" you hit her arm playfully
"I was to" she shrugged not keeping her eyes off yours.
"No, and I'm not walking to stupid Luke's either" you crossed your arms over your chest
she knew just hw ocold it was and she was practically freezing herself. but she wouldn't call her parents. she wasn't that desperate.
you watched as she picked up the land line again.
she dialled a number snd brought it up to ear giving you a disapproving look
you knew if you begged long enough she would give in, its hard fo rher to resist you.
although, lorelai and you may have different things in mind because you soon realized it wasn't her mom that she was on the phone with. it was Sookie.
you were going to the Inn. at least you wouldn't be freezing anymore.

Lorelai Gilmore Oneshots- GxG (ON HOLD)
FanfictionGxG Lorelai Gilmore Oneshots because she's an underrated milf. Updates every Sunday Requests are open