Chapter 1

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"Ashley get up! you're going to be late for school!" My mother yelled at me as she threw a pillow at me.

My names's Ashley, I'm 16 years old and im single, but i haven't always been, but ill explain that later. I'm in 11th grade and I do pretty well at school, but I am definitely not a nerd. I have long brown hair and green eyes. My eyes usually change from green to brown and sometimes grey, I'm 5,5"...pretty short but at least I'm not taller than all of the guys at school. Not that i have a chance with any of them though. I'm pretty curvy, but I'm not fat either, just not quite skinny. 

Ugh another day that i have to go to that boring place known as school. I have lots of friends, Autumn is the one I'm closest to, we spend practically every waking moment with each other. She has red wavy hair and is amazingly pretty, she has nice brown eyes and has the best smile i have ever seen. Then there is Katie,she is very sporty. So since she is sporty she obviously has a nice body that i am very jealous of. She has blond hair and has blue eyes. Lily is my other friend, she has brown hair also but hers is lighter than mine, she has brown eyes that glow even when she is upset. I get along with pretty much everyone but those are the main friends i hang out with.

I finally get out of my bed and go to the bathroom, i look in the mirror. "what a mess" i say to myself. I strip from my clothes and turn on the water to the shower. I hop in and start to wash my hair, i start to sing 'Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute". I wash my body and rinse my hair and hop out of the shower. The cold air makes me shiver and i wrap myself in a towel, I walk into my room and open my closet to pick out what to wear. I pick out a top, jeans and heels and then go curl and straighten my hair. (copy paste in new tab to see her outfit). 

I go downstairs to find my mother downstairs making my sister, Alice pancakes. Alice is only 4 but she is so cute. She looks like a mini me. We laugh a lot together and i love to spend time with her.

"Good morning Girlies!" i say

"Hi ashwey" says Alice with a big smile on her face.

"How'd you sleep Ashley?" my mother asks me.

"Great" i reply.

I take a seat beside Alice. My mom places a glass of orange juice in front of me and i smile in return. I pick up an apple off of the counter and take a bite. I didn't have time to wait for the pancakes as i would be leaving soon for school. I turn to face Alice and watch her play with her fork. 

"So how is my favorite little girl?" i ask her.

"I'm gweat!" she replies.

"That's good Chickie!" 

She giggles as i gently tickle her side. I hop up from my chair and kiss my mum on the cheek. 

"Bye mummy!" i say and turn to Alice. I give her a peck on the cheek and crouch down and  open my arms for a hug. She jumps off of her chairs and runs into my arms. I laugh and fall to the floor and she is on top of me, we both start laughing. I tickle her sides and pick her up, i stand up with her still in my hands. I look over at the time and realize i have 5 minutes to get to school. I put Alice down and say goodbye. I grab my purse and put my heels on. I walk out the door and start walking to school.

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