Chapter 2

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I get to school 2 minutes before the bell rings, thank god. I walk over to my locker to find Autumn waiting for me. She smiles as soon as she sees me and i return it with one of my own. 

"Hey Gorgeous, what took you so long?" she asked me.

"I lost track of the time when i was playing with Alice" I answered.

"Awh how cute, so how is my little munchkin?"

"She's good,she was wondering why you didn't come over yesterday"

"Tell her I'm very sorry but i had singing rehearsal and couldn't make it"

Autumn comes over pretty much everyday and when she isnt im usually over at her place. Autumn is like another sister for Alice, they laugh and play all the time. It's quite cute when you see them horsing around.

I'm the only one who has heard Autumn sing, well besides her singing coach. I made her sign up for courses because she was already amazing and i told her i was signing her up for American Idol or The X Factor because everyone else had to hear her amazing voice. She hated me at first but now i think she is really enjoying it.

"Want to go to the beach this Thursday? You could sleep over since we have no school on those two days?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure! Ive been meaning to get a tan anyways" she replied.

I laughed because Autumn is pretty pale and every time she tries to tan she just ends up burning. As for me i was already pretty tanned and i hated being any darker than i already was.

"Haha ok, we could have a movie night as well and watch movies all night and eat popcorn like total fatties." i said in excitement.

She laughed. The bell than rang and both me and Autumn growned. At least we had most classes together. The only ones we didn't have were English and Science, but i had Katie in those classes so i was alright.

She turned around and went to her locker that was only 7 lockers away. I got my books out of my locker and went towards Autumn's locker so we could walk to class together. We had Math first period. We walked into class and i said good morning to Ms. Penelope. She was in her mid 40's and seemed to be aging pretty fast. She had quite a lot of wrinkles on her face and she usually had bags under her eyes.

She gave me a nod and a smile. I sat down at my desk that was three rows away from Autumn. We usually just talked in sign language and we were pretty sneaky about it as well. Kids were piling into the classroom one by one looking tired and emotionless. I knew exactly what they were thinking. "Damn, i hate this class, hope it goes by fast." The second bell rang to indicate that class had officially started. Many students made growning sounds and rested their heads in their hands just waiting for the class to be over.

Ms. Penelope kept going on and on about Algebra and i could tell that not that many people were paying attention. She assigned pages in our work books for us to work on. I looked over at Autumn who had happened to be already looking at me. I rolled my eyes at the thought of actually doing homework and Autumn completely agreed. We started talking about the beach with our hands. She mouthed the words "I hope there are a lot of hot guys there." I nodded and giggled. We both started making kissy faces. All of a sudden i hear Ms. Penelope clear her throat, I look over to see her staring at both me and Autumn. Obviously she had noticed what we were up to. I then realized that most of the classmates were staring at us too. The whole class bursted out in laughter and me and Autumn started to turn red at the embarrassment. We sunk into our chairs and started to do our work.

Finally the bell had rung. Autumn and I ran out of the room as soon as we could. We started laughing hestarically at our little show.  We went back to our lockers and got ready for the next class.

The rest of the day went pretty well but was also very boring. I got whistled at by many boys and i just smiled in return. Inside it sickened me. All of my relationships have ended really bad, I usually date jerks and bad boys, and they end up hurting me in the end. Usually by cheating on me or I find out that they were just using me all along. I cry myself to sleep every night because my heart gets broken every time. I really have to stop letting myself get treated this way but i dont know how. I just want to feel wanted and end up making the wrong choices. The last relationship i was in was a month ago, the guy was really mean, but  felt like i deserved everything he threw at me. He never took me out on dates and would only see me when he felt like it. We would hang out at his place from time to time and every time he would just try to make out with me. He ended up breaking up with me and my heart got shattered once again. I felt unloved and felt like i would never find anyone who was actually good to me. 

After school ends Autumn comes over to my house for supper. We have lasagna, my favorite. After supper me and Autumn decide to go upstairs where i play the guitar and she sings. We do this for about an hour and then she decides that she better get home before her mom gets worried. 

I go downstairs and decide to play with Alice for a little while before she has to get to bed. I play with her and her dolls and i try to make her laugh by making her barbie's dance. She giggles and lets out a big yawn.

"Chickity i think its time for bed, dont want to be tired for tomorrow."

she smiles and holds out her arms for me to pick her up. I take her into my arms and carry her up to her room. Her room is pink with fairies on the walls. I change her into her pyjamas and tuck her into bed. I quietly sing to her as her eyes start to get heavy and close. I gently kiss her on the forehead and carefully get up from her bed trying not to wake her up i turn off the light and close her bedroom door. I walk up to my room and change into my pyjamas as well i lay in bed and listen to music till my eyes start to close. I cuddle into my pillow and drift into a sleep.

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