A normal afternoon with glitchtrap

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Vanny's POV


'Another day another kill' I thought dragging the body behind the pizzaplex.

"Good young one." I heard peepaw      (A/N:yes I call him peepaw fite meh) say in my head.

"Thank you peepaw!" I thought.

"Will you stop calling me peepaw!" He yelled. "It makes me feel old." He admitted sheepishly.

"You ARE old!" I reminded him.

"Don't remind me!" He spat.

"Well I'm going home to eat soft tacos." I retorted crossing my arms.

"And?" He replied.

"You are so unbearable!" I yelled.

"I know." He said. "That's the point."

"Oh my God." I said rolling my eyes.

"Eh it's fine." I said to myself looking at the body.

'Taco time!' I thought pumping my arms in the air.

Once I reached my house, I took off the mask and started in the tacos. After I had the meat on I went to sit on my couch.

"Vanny!" Peepaw yelled making me jump slightly.

"What do you want from me?!" I exclaimed annoyed.

"To burn your tacos." He said with a mischievous tone.

"Oh no oh no no no NO!" I yelled running back to the kitchen to see my taco meat burning. No like literally on fire. "How! How is this meat on fire?! I've been out of the room for THREE minutes!" I said grabbing the fire extinguisher putting out the fire.

"Victory!" Peepaw cheered.

"I guess I'll just order pizza." I sighed taking out my phone and ordering a small extra pepperoni pizza and a small salad. The pizza delivery guy arrived 15 minutes later. I payed him and plopped onto my couch with a slice of the pizza and ate while watching the news to see if they had found the body yet. Sure enough, they had and were trying to figure the case out.

"You removed the evidence.... Right Vanny?" Peepaw said nervously.

"Of course I did!" I said completely sure of my abilities.

"This just in, evidence has been found at the crime scene." The news broadcaster said putting up CCTV footage of me dragging the body.

"Oh no" Peepaw and I said in unison.

A/N hehe if y'all have ideas for stories let me know in the comments!

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