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"Lee Minho!" Y/N called out to him, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and urgency.

Startled by the sudden interruption, Lee Minho's eyes widened, and he turned towards her, a hint of irritation etched on his face. "What?" he bellowed, his initial outburst causing Y/N to take a step back in shock.

Noticing her reaction, he made an effort to compose himself, his tone slightly calmer as he repeated his question, "What is it?"

Y/N hesitated, her voice soft and hesitant as she spoke, "Um... Chan mentioned that you were supposed to drive me to the hospital today..."

Lee Minho's expression darkened, his pupils dilating as he let out a frustrated scream. "That was today?" he exclaimed, a sense of panic and annoyance overtaking him.

With a small nod, Y/N confirmed his worst fear, still taken aback by his initial harsh reaction. She knew that their line of work involved dangerous activities, but she never pushed for details or wanted to be involved in the darker aspects of their lives. For the past five years, she had been content simply being around them, cherishing the moments of joy and camaraderie they shared.

"I have to pick up the...," he trailed off, catching himself before revealing any information that could compromise his secretive work. "Pick up some stuff," he hastily finished his sentence, his eyes focusing on Y/N as he realized the close call.

Y/N had long been aware of their affiliation with the mafia or gang, and they were aware that she knew. However, they made a conscious effort to keep her away from the more dangerous and illicit aspects, shielding her from the grim realities of their world. She was content with that, not needing to know the intricate details or putting herself at risk.

Disappointment clouded her features as she took a few steps back, a fleeting sadness in her eyes. Sensing her disappointment, Lee Minho's frustration bubbled to the surface.

"Argh! Fine!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with exasperation. Without sparing Y/N another glance, he hastily grabbed his jacket and weapon, making his way towards the door. He couldn't bear to witness her smile, knowing that she was feeling down because she didn't want to visit the doctor but was given no choice.


"Ah! Why is it so far!?" Lee Minho cried out, frustration evident in his voice as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"It's only been five minutes," Y/N countered, her voice tinged with honesty and a touch of exasperation.

Unable to contain his stress any longer, Lee Minho abruptly parked the car on the side of the road and turned to face Y/N, his expression a mix of shock and anger.

"Do you want me to drive you back?" he yelled, his words sharper than intended. The stress of his impending task - picking up narcotics to be sold at a nearby club - weighed heavily on him, amplifying his agitation.

Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief at his outburst. While Lee Minho had been harsh and distrustful towards her when they first met, suspecting her of being a spy or an informant from a rival gang, they had slowly developed a fragile camaraderie over time. She understood the reasons behind his initial hostility and had taken a step back, respecting the boundaries that he had set.

However, their interactions had grown smoother, and they had become something akin to friends as they spent more time together. Arguments had become a thing of the past, until this moment.

"I'm sorry, but what is your problem!?" Y/N's voice rose, matching Lee Minho's intensity.

"My problem is that I'm being nice enough to drop you off at the damn hospital, and here you are giving me attitude!" he yelled in frustration.

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