Spider (Felix and Seungmin)

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Felix found himself struggling to open their heavy eyelids after experiencing an intense, mind-altering state. As the haze slowly lifted, Felix managed to pry his eyes open, only to discover that he was no longer confined to the same room as before. Instead, he found himself in a different chamber, devoid of any presence except his own.

The absence of restraints was a relief, yet the unknown circumstances still filled him with fear. As his senses adjusted to the dim lighting, Felix's gaze swept across the room, searching for any clues or signs of their captor's intentions. To his surprise, his eyes settled upon a peculiar arrangement: a solitary game controller resting beside a vintage television set. The screen emitted a faint glow, hinting at its operational state. curiosity piqued, Felix cautiously approached the vintage television, noticing its outdated Mortal Kombat-like design.

Suddenly, a voice pierced the silence, reverberating through the room with an unsettling familiarity. "Felix," it called out, its tone carrying an eerie presence. "Why don't we play a game?"

Caught off guard by the unexpected voice, Felix's frustration welled up within him. "What is this?" he demanded, his voice trembling with anger and confusion.

"It is precisely what it appears to be," the voice replied, its words dripping with a disconcerting calmness. "A game—one that you must play if you want to leave this room."

The weight of the situation bore down on Felix, threatening to overwhelm him. The fact that he had to play a game under such dire circumstances, while his dearest members fates remained uncertain, sent waves of despair crashing over him.

"Are you serious?" he shouted, overwhelmed by the pain and determination in his voice. The thought of participating in a game while dealing with the death of Y/N and the uncertainty surrounding his other teammates was unbearable.

A chilling response followed, delivered with an eerily calm demeanor. "Quite serious indeed, unless you're happy remaining clueless to whether your friends are dead or alive."

A frustrated groan escaped Felix's lips as he grappled with his emotions. Reluctantly, he sank into the only seating option available—a pristine white couch positioned conspicuously at the center of the room, blending with the immaculate white tiles beneath it. Resigned to his circumstances, he grasped the game controller, its worn surface a testament to past battles fought.

With a heavy heart, he extended a hand towards the game controller, the weight of his emotions palpable in the air. His eyes scanned the screen, revealing the words that would dictate his next move. Upon the television screen, he read the words displayed:

'Black spider 12,'



Seungmin's temples throbbed mercilessly, causing him to wince in pain. Desperately seeking relief, he reached up and massaged his forehead, hoping to alleviate the persistent headache that plagued him.

With a wavering focus, he surveyed his surroundings, his eyes struggling to adjust to the dimly lit environment. Gradually, he realized that he was situated in a cramped hallway, its dimensions confining and suffocating. Seated in a narrow hallway, Seungmin discovered that both the entrance and the exit were obstructed by an intricate network of countless red ropes—or so they appeared at first glance.

Curiosity compelled him to extend a finger, cautiously tracing the contours of the entangled wires. To his surprise, a subtle current of electricity tingled against his skin, urging him to retract his hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a voice interjected, halting his attempt to experiment further.

Seungmin's gaze darted around, searching for the source of the voice. Seungmin's brows furrowed, his gaze shifting toward the source of the voice. "What is this?" he seethed, his anger lacing each syllable.  It resonated with a mix of caution and intrigue in the confined space. "Think of it as magnets," the voice continued. "The more they connect, the stronger their power becomes."

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