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With Gigi gone at work, I was on the couch with both Arabella and Rodrick curled up in my lap, Andreas and Mateo just having gotten up and making coffee in the kitchen

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With Gigi gone at work, I was on the couch with both Arabella and Rodrick curled up in my lap, Andreas and Mateo just having gotten up and making coffee in the kitchen.

"Gods, you're like a crazy cat lady." Maxim grumbles, slumping next to Levi on the sofa who casts his eyes up and smirks at me.

I narrow my eyes on the pair, Andrei and Milan coming over to sit on the sofa with Enzo. Lovely, a whole fucking family reunion to make fun of me.

"At least I'm not a single crazy cat lady," I glared at Maxim, petting the kitties on their heads, "It's more than you can say."

Maxim's face drops again and he scoffs a humourless laugh, "You should be a single cat lady. Sometimes I want to skin Evangelos for being so close to you." He mutters, gaining the attention of the older brothers.

I chuckle, "You wanna say that in front of Gigi?" I ask him and he glowers, shaking his head.

"No way, that guy is psycho." He shudders and I roll my eyes, the couch dipping as Mateo and Andreas sit beside me.

Andreas pets the cats in my lap before smirking at my brothers, "Gigi would shoot me no hesitation if I did anything to her, so I'd watch your backs about what you say in front of him." He advises, amused.

His arm drapes around the back of the sofa and around my shoulder. I look up to him with a warning glance.

He only sips his coffee with an idiotic grin.

"Yeah?" Maxim challenges, "Then I'd fucking watch your hands around my sister." He says, nodding at the arm Andreas has draped behind me.

Andreas smile, most likely at something in his own head, "Hvis bare de visste hvor mye Gigi lar meg ta på deg." He says and my brothers send him confused glares.

(if only they knew how much gigi lets me touch you)

I whip my head up to his, "Han pleide å la deg ta på meg, fortid. Jeg viser ham fortsatt den listen." I grumble and he pouts.

(he used to let you touch me, past tense. I'm still showing him that list.)

The elevator opens in the moment and a quiet-looking Romeo walks back into the apartment. I furrow my brows, "Where did you go?" I ask him.

He walks towards where we're sitting, "Just walked Gigi to his car." He says idly, and Levi scoots up, tapping the space beside him.

Romeo sends him a grateful smile and sits down, in turn making Levi full-on grin.

I notice Enzo looking at Levi distastefully before his attention falls on me, "Car." He says, gaining my attention, and all the other boys' attention when it involves me.

He clears his throat, "So Massimo texted me today..." He starts and I lean forward a little intrigued, "He's back home and kind of wants to forget about ever being sick. He's having his friends around and asked for you to come." He tells me, before looking around the room. "He invited all of you actually. Just kind of a drinks by the pool thing." He shrugs.

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