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"Where the fuck have you been?" Luca greets, Massimo leading me over to the group of boys he was previously talking to, some of my younger brothers and Andreas and Mateo being with them

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"Where the fuck have you been?" Luca greets, Massimo leading me over to the group of boys he was previously talking to, some of my younger brothers and Andreas and Mateo being with them.

Maxim and Levi seemed to stay by Romeo for the time being.

I smile sheepishly, "Around." I say and he shakes his head, holding his hand out for a bro hug.

I give him one with a smile and turn to greet everyone else, Riot giving me a similar greeting and Noah giving me a knowing smile, obviously knowing kind of what's been going on from the Underworld.

I turn to Cash and Trey and smile awkwardly. They don't bro hug me, only smirk at me knowingly.

I side glance to Mateo who is holding back a laugh, Andreas giving him a confused expression whilst sizing the two boys up. Massimo is oblivious, talking with Romeo as they catch up privately.

"Why do you have so many clothes on?" Trey grins, eyeing me up and down.

I only then realise everyone has already stripped off their clothes in the heat, now clad in their swim trunks whilst I still have a shirt and trousers on.

I go to answer him when Andreas steps forward, "You don't have to take them off if you don't want to Car." He tells me and I send him a grateful smile. But I also can't help but internally snort; never would I have thought Andreas would say that to me.

"No, it's okay. I'm boiling anyway." I reassure Andreas and he nods once, jaw set in a firm line.

Mateo just seems to be enjoying the show, sipping on a beer as he looks between Cash and Trey, and Andreas. "Cash, Trey," He says, gaining their attention, "She has a boyfriend. And he's not one I would advise to threaten."

Cash and Trey share a look, "Could've had twice the fun." Cash tells me with a wink and I look at Andreas and Mateo.

I've had a thrice the fun actually-

I roll my eyes and head over to a lounger, closer to the older boys table- considering they were far less likely to have wandering eyes over there.

Andrei meets my gaze and smiles at me, mid-discussion with Enzo and Milan about fuck knows what.

I send him one back as I dump my phone on the lounger and lay out a towel, gripping the hem of my t-shirt to pull it off.

I hear the beginnings of a wolf-whistle behind mee, before it's cut off with a thud and a hiss. I smirk, still facing Andrei as he glares at something- or someone- behind me and then smiles, satisfied.

I take off the rest of my clothes and take a seat on the lounger, not interested in hanging out with any of the 'younger' boys. They were Massimo and Romeo's friends.

Besides, the only boy I really wanted to hang out with wasn't here. And was older.

I think I have a thing for older guys-

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