Two: Language

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"Right. I'm sorry, but I do know who you are, and what you do. How did you come to own a book store?"

Bucky looked at Hannah with a surprised expression, and shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I've always loved books. It just seemed to make sense I guess."

He smiled and sighed. "So you know I'm the Winter Soldier then?"

Hannah tilted her head to the side. "No, you're Sergeant Barnes, best friend to Steve Rogers and one of the Avengers. I think you're past your Winter Soldier days."

Bucky's smile brightened and he looked down at the floor as he let out a laugh. "Not many people would agree with you."

"Well then they would be wrong. Would the Winter Soldier have such a beautiful bookstore?"

He raised his gaze to hers, and Hannah's breath caught in her throat. Those steel blue eyes. It was like you were both lost in them and found by them. She could get used to staring into those eyes.

"No, I suppose you have a point." Bucky shook his head but didn't lose his smile. He caught her eyes again and there was something different there. Hannah couldn't quite place it, but the look in his eyes held something that she couldn't decipher.

A sudden beep thrust Hannah back into reality. Someone had chosen a terrible time to send her a text. She sighed and pulled her phone out of her pocket, then her eyes widened at what she saw.

Laura: Did you forget about lunch?!

"Shit." Hannah breathed.

Bucky chuckled. "Language."

She looked up at him a laughed. Who knew that the famous James Barnes could tell a lighthearted joke. "A bookstore and a sense of humour! You're full of surprises. I'm sorry Bucky but I have to go, I'm supposed to meet my sister for lunch."

"Of course, yeah... you better get going then." He ran his fingers through his thick brown hair, and Hannah tracked the motion. I wonder what his hair feels like...

Blinking away the thought, she pushed her phone back into her pocket and began to turn to leave when Bucky stopped her.

"Will, um," he pauses, seemingly to collect himself. "Will you be back next Sunday?"

Hannah took a few steps backwards towards the door, keeping Bucky's blue eyes locked with hers once again. "Why would I stop coming to my favourite book store?"

Bucky's smile expanded to encompass his whole face, and Hannah had to turn away from it before she did something stupid like run back to him. She had just met an Avenger, and could feel herself becoming attached to him already.

Bucky Barnes. What a surprise you are.


"You met who?!" Laura shouted in the middle of the restaurant.

Hannah jumped and started shushing her sister. "My god Laura, would you quiet down!"

Laura started laughing and leaned back in her chair, with a look of disbelief on her face. "You met Bucky Barnes. You met an Avenger. This is a big deal!"

"No it's not! Calm down, would you!" Hannah sighed and ran her hands down her face. "It's nothing. He's a really nice guy. Kind of sweet."

She could feel the heat creeping up her neck as her sister weighed her words and looked her over. Then Laura gasped. "You like him?! Hannah!"

"I did not say that!"

"You didn't have to! I can see it all over your face!"

"Laura, stop. Come on! I've only just met him!"

"Sometimes it only takes one meeting you know. When are you seeing him again?"

Hannah rolled her eyes. "Next Sunday."

Her sister smiled knowingly. "And when do I get to meet him?"

"Never I hope," Hannah said under her breath.

"What was that? I need to meet his guy that has you all flustered and blushing!"

She placed her elbows on the table and placed her head in her hands. Hannah didn't even get to finish her chicken caesar salad before the interrogation began. She picked up her fork again and shoved a bite into her mouth, hoping that it would signal to her sister that the conversation was over.

"Oh okay, I see. You can't keep him away from me forever, Hannah." Laura picked up her fork as well and continued to eat her lunch. "I'll meet Bucky Barnes one day."


During the entire work week, all Hannah could think about was Bucky, and how she couldn't wait for Sunday to come around again so she could see him again. How had she only met him once and talked to him for all of 15 minutes and he had taken up residence in her mind? Every spare moment when she wasn't busy doing something was taken up by steel blue eyes and a bright smile.

Bucky Barnes had left an impression on her. She wondered if she had done the same to him.


This story just makes me squeeeeeee. It's so cute!

Also, this story is slightly inspired by 'You Are In Love' by Taylor Swift. Did you catch the little mention in the chapter? Keep an eye out for more!

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