Four: Coffee at Midnight

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It was one of the most incredible days in Hannah's recent memory.

They spent the day talking about everything and nothing in between playing carnival games, eating amazing food that is terrible for you, and even going on the occasional ride.

Her favourite moment was Bucky's story about the Cyclone, where he made Steve get on the ride with him only for the future Captain America to throw up. She would never look at him the same again.

The feeling of the park was starting to shift as the sun began to set. It was less families with small kids running around, and more couples gazing into each other's eyes. The atmosphere was becoming romantic, and Hannah's heartbeat started to race at the feeling of it. Was this his plan all along? Or had they just lost track of time?

Bucky cleared his throat and glanced over at Hannah, who was walking beside him. "I really had fun today."

She smiled and met his gaze. "Yeah, me too. It definitely isn't how I thought my day was going to go, but I loved it."

The corner of his mouth lifted and his eyes crinkled in the corners. God, he was so adorable and sweet. Everyone who still thought of him as the Winter Soldier didn't know how wrong they were. This was a man you could easily fall in love with.

Suddenly his eyes darted to the left slightly and he lunged forward to grasp Hannah's arm to pull her towards him. She crashed against the hard planes of his chest, only having enough time to throw out her hands in front of her. The warmth of his skin seeped into her fingertips, and her heart was racing.

Bucky had wrapped his metal arm around her back, which sent tingles up her spine. Her skin was burning up at the close contact and her mind reeling at what was going on.

"Sorry, you were just about to run into that sign." He smirked and nodded his head to the offending object behind her.

Hannah let out a small laugh and looked up into his blue eyes. "Thanks. I should have been paying attention."

He hummed his approval and continued to hold her against him for a few moments, until he realized what he was doing at loosened his grasp.

She was hesitant to back away from him. It felt safe and comfortable being near him, but only having known him for a short amount of time, she knew that it was maybe moving too fast to start cuddling him in the middle of an amusement park.

"So um," Hannah cleared her throat and took a step back from Bucky. "Did you have any other plans for tonight?"

After stroking his chin briefly in thought, he closed the gap between them and placed his hand on the small of her back to lead her towards the exit. "I do. Let's get out of here."


It was quiet between the two of them as they got back into Bucky's car and started driving back towards the book store. Brooklyn was also very different at night, as people wandered around from bar to bar meeting with friends and socializing. That wasn't really Hannah's scene. She preferred to spend the night in and watch a movie or curl up with a good book. But maybe this was Bucky's scene and he wanted to take her out for a drink.

As the car slowed to a stop, she looked around to try and place where they were. It was an old fashioned 24-hour diner, and Bucky was watching her to gauge her reaction.

"I don't think I have ever been here before. Have you?"

He smiled wistfully and looked out the window at the brightly lit building. "Many times. This was somewhere Steve and I go when we are home in between missions. They have the best pancakes."

"Well I don't think I am hungry after all the junk I ate today, but I definitely need a coffee." Hannah opened the door to got out of the car, and Bucky quickly followed.


They sat on the opposite sides of a booth near the back of the diner. It was pretty quiet inside. There were a few people on their own having something to eat, and a group of teenagers loudly laughing and talking.

Hannah wrapped her hands around the warm cup of coffee, and watched Bucky methodically cut up his pancakes into perfect little squares (or, as perfect as he could get them). She smiled softly to herself and lifted the mug to her lips to take a sip.

She had had a lovely day with him. They got along well, made each other laugh, and it was just... easy. She didn't have to watch what she said or be careful of how she acted, she was just herself. And Bucky always had his eyes on her. Watching her move, listening to her words. Hannah felt like the most important person in his world in those moments.

Gently placing the mug back on the table, she looked around and noticed what time it was from a clock on the wall. "Is it really midnight?"

Bucky was mid-chew when he looked to where the clock was, smirked, and swallowed. "Looks like it. Time really does fly when you're having fun."

She nodded as he moved to go back to his food. "Bucky, what made you choose to take me out for the day?"

He froze for a moment, probably shocked that she so boldly asked the question, then placed his knife and fork down. "I, uh, wanted to spend time with you. Get to know you. But not at the book store. We would be constantly interrupted there."

Hannah caught his steel blue eyes gazing into hers, and he softly smiled at her. It felt like a swarm of butterflies were let go in her stomach with his intense gaze holding her. She felt her cheeks warm and she had to look down at the table to try and gain some composure. He wanted to spend time with her? Bucky Barnes, one of the Avengers, wanted to get to know her better? This was beyond her wildest dreams, and she wanted to hold onto this moment for as long as she could.

After finishing his food, Bucky ordered himself a coffee so they could sit there and talk for a little while longer. This time they talked about what life was like for him back in the 1940s, and it was so fascinating to listen to his stories. About how he used to take care of his sisters, the trouble that he and Steve used to get into, and how the city had changed so much when he came back.

Hannah let out a small yawn after a while, and glanced back at the clock behind the counter. 2AM. Wow, it had felt like 20 minutes. It was like they were in their own little bubble and the world went by around them.

Bucky caught her yawn and realized how late it had gotten. He stood up slowly and dropped some money on the table. Being a gentleman, he extended a hand towards her to help her get out of the booth. Hannah placed her hand in his, and his strong grip helped her get to her feet.

With his warm hand wrapped around hers, he gave her a small smile. "Come on, I'll walk you home."


This soft Bucky really makes me swoon so hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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