Chapter 18

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After Luna arrived at her hotel,she took a nice relaxing bath then got into bed to take some rest.She just closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep when her phone began to ring. She groaned in frustration before picking it up to see it was a call from one of her old schoolmate and friend,Jeff.

They had not contacted each other for a while cause immediately after their graduation Jeff had travelled to an isolated island along with a team of researchers for some classified research for his dad's science facility.There was no internet connection on the island so they couldn't keep in touch.

Luna was very happy to see Jeff's call cause he was the only one she considered a true friend back in school due to the fact that unlike others he never tried to get her into his bed.He always treated her well despite he's rich background and never looked down on her.He always protected her like a big brother.

If someone had told Luna she'd be able to make friends with such a person she would have never believed it cause back then she thought with her poor background no rich person would wanna have anything to do with her.

Luna smiled widely as she hurriedly received the call.

{Long time no see,Luna.I missed you so much.How you doing?}

“I'm doing ohk. How are you?When did you get back?”

{About a week ago.There's so much I wanna tell you.Meet me at the restaurant near Jorgen street.I'll treat you to dinner}

“Ohk.I'll be there in 10 minutes”

Luna quickly got off her bed and changed into a blue dress teamed with a pair of black flat shoes,tied her hair into a ponytail,put on some lipgloss then left to go meet Jeff.

She arrived at the restaurant after a few minutes then went in to find Jeff.She scanned the restaurant and soon spotted Jeff sitting by the window checking his phone with a hint of a smile on his handsome face.She immediately walked to him and say hey.

Jeff looked up and smiled at the familiar beautiful face infront of him before smiling brightly. He got up and pulled her in for a hug while saying how much he missed her.Luna smiled and hugged him back before they pulled apart and took their seats.

They then began catching up with each other happily completely unaware of the icy cold grey eyes glaring at them from afar. Jackson was returning to his apartment after dropping Dorothy off and having some fun with her when he saw Luna getting out of a cap infront of a restaurant.

She dressed simple but she still looked quite alluring and this made Jackson smile.But his smile quickly disappeared when he saw Luna enter the restaurant and hug some blonde haired guy.He clenched his jaw as his blood boiled with anger.He felt the urge to just walk into the restaurant and beat the guy who dared to touch his woman without his permission but decided against it.

Clenching the steering wheel of his luxurious sports car,Jackson drove away in a fist of rage.He drove to a club he owned and ordered some strippers to serve him in an attempt to calm his anger but as the women tried to please him,all he could think of was Luna smiling brightly in another man's arms.

He turned red in anger and stormed out of the club to his apartment.He went up to his bedroom and after a while came down the stairs with a brown box in his hands. He went out to his car,placed the box in and drove off to the hotel Luna was staying.He packed his car not too far from the hotel after arriving and waited for Luna to come back.

Meanwhile,back the restaurant,Jeff was telling Luna about his fiancé,Hilary.She was part of the team of researchers that went with him to the island and they had fallen in love with each other during the time they spent there.He asked her to marry him on their last day at the island and she happily agreed.

"Congratulations,Jeff.I'm so happy for you",Luna said honestly with a smile.

"Thank you",Jeff replied with a smile before adding,"So,tell me,when will I have the honour of making a toast at your wedding?"

Hearing this Luna's smile slightly wavered and her heart clenched in pain as she remembered the messed up relationship she used to have with Jackson.She felt ashamed to tell Jeff about it so she decided to play it safe and say she didn't find the right man yet.

"Really?So among your numerous admires,you seriously found no one good enough for you to pick as a partner?No one one at all?",Jeff asked in slight disbelieve that Luna was still the same as she was back in med school.She never found anyone good enough to date back then and even now she still can't find the right man to settle down with.

Luna smiled slightly and said in her sad tone as her eyes held grief,"I do have someone I'd love to marry but he doesn't love me the way I love him"

Jackson felt bad for Luna after hearing this and comforted her gently,"Don't worry,Lu.You're still so young.I'm sure you'll meet your soulmate one day"

"I hope so",Luna said softly looking down at the food she had ordered with sadness.

"Hey!Cheer up.It's our first meeting after such a long time of no communication.I don't want you being all sad over some man who can't see what a diamond you are",Jeff coaxed grabbing Luna's hand and she looked up at him with a smile.

They continued they meal while making small talk and eventually Jeff called his driver over and dropped Luna off at her hotel before going home.

Luna stood outside watching Jeff's car disappear into the distance with a bright smile on her face.She had just turned to enter the hotel when a car stopped behind her and she heard an all too familiar voice call out to her in an extremely angry tone.She stopped dead in her tracks as her heart began to pound in fear.

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