Chapter 26

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"I....I just came for my ba-*gasp*",Luna began to explain but trailed off with a gasps when she Jackson suddenly ran and hugged her tight.Luna was left speechless and unable to react as her eyes widened in shock.

"I'm sorry", Jackson said with all sincerity leaving Luna more stunned."I've been so unfair to you all because of a misunderstanding.I hurted you thinking you cheated on me with Jeff and for that,I'm deeply sorry.Please forgive me",he continued, tightening his hold on her.

Luna was still unable to speak as tears whirled up in her eyes.Her whole body trembled as she fought to keep herself from breaking down in tears.She refused to let Jackson see her as a pathetic woman again.Not this time.Not after all her hard work to move on.She must stay strong.

"Please,Lu.Find a place in your heart to forgive me"

"I...I loved you so much",Luna finally let out after a long pause.

"I know and I'm sorry for not recognizing your feeling earlier.I'm sorry for everything,Lu.I won't let this repeat itself ever again.I promise",Jackson declared firmly.

"W-Why are you doing this?Why can't you just leave me alone?Please,just let me be",Luna asked unable to hold back her tears as they streamed down her lovely face.

Feeling the warm tear drop on his shoulder, Jackson froze as he felt his heart squeeze in pain.He pulled himself off Luna and looked down at her.Seeing her tearful eyes, Jackson couldn't help but curse himself for making his little Lu cry.

He never liked seeing tears in her eyes back when they were together and even now,knowing she was crying because of him,killed him a thousand times.

"I can't ever let go,Lu", Jackson said as he gently wiped Luna's tears with his hand before caressing her left cheek with it and looking at her softly with a smile sad smile.


"Because I want you to be the mother of my children", Jackson declared making Luna gasps in shock as her eyes widened in disbelieve.

"Y-You.....what are you saying?"

"I know you might find all this hard to believe but I believe me when I say I'm willing to change for you.I want to spend the rest of my life with you,Lu.I want....."

"What about your relationship with Dorothy?"

"Getting involved with Dorothy was a big mistake and I've already broken things off with her few days ago"

"And your feelings for Giana?"

"I....", Jackson trailed off in shock.He had no idea how Luna found out about his feelings for Giana cause he was sure he did a good job hiding it.

"How did you find out about that and how long have you known?", Jackson asked.

"The day after I saw you cheat on me with Dorothy,I went again to the rooftop to speak to you but then I heard you say"

"Shhh.It's ohk", Jackson consoled."Let's just forget about the past and start again.Please.Be mine again", Jackson continued about to pull Luna in for another hug when she harshly bushed him away.

"You used me to satisfy your lust then cheated on me with Dorothy while harbouring feelings for another woman who is your own sister-in-law.Yet you still came after me when I left and treated me like trash while accusing me of cheating on you with my bestfriend.Even after all this you still shamelessly stand infront of me now asking me to be yours.You disgust me"Luna said in anger as she glared at Jackson who immediately became speechless.

Grabbing her bag, Luna moved to leave but Jackson hugged her from behind,making her stop in her tracks.She was about to try pushing him away with all her strength when she felt something warm fall on her neck and saw Jackson's arm which was wrapped around her tremble.

Carefully turning her head,Luna was shocked to see tears in Jackson's eyes.She didn't expect him to cry and wondered why.Was it because of what she said?Was it because she refused to go back to him?Could he really want her back enough to cry over her rejection?

No.None of this made any sense to her.Jackson has the looks,brains and money.Women both young and old simp over him wherever he goes so he'd have no problem picking up women.Besides,she really isn't important to him.He just sees her as a toy he can play with then toss aside when bored so why should he cry for her?

She felt it must all be one sick trick he came up with to get her to sleep with him then dumb her again as revenge for rejecting him.But she refuse to fall for any of his tricks even though her heart ached seeing tears stream down his handsome face.

"Save it", Luna quickly said cutting Jackson off with a glare when he opened his mouth to speak.

Taking advantage of Jackson's momentary shock,Luna slipped out of his arms and stormed out of the room before he could react.She quickly went to the quest room and locked the door before breaking down in tears.

Just then Jackson started banging on her door begging her to let him in.Luna shouted for him to go away but he continued banging on the door saying he won't stop she forgives him.Luna's heart wanted to believe Jackson's words and give him another chance but her brain told her not to let him play her for a fool again.

She was in a dilemma whether to let him back into her life or stay firm and refuse to allow him in.She just needed time to think and Jackson banging on her door wasn't helping so she told him to give her sometime to think it though and he finally agreed to leave her alone.

That night Luna went to bed with her eyes all red and puffy from tears as she thought about the recent development with Jackson.She thought everything through carefully then came to a decision before drifting off to sleep.

Meanwhile, Jackson's eyes were also red from tears as he laid on his bed thinking of ways to make Luna believe he is truly sorry and come back to him cause he really needed her in his life.

He didn't realize it before but after thinking about everything that happened between them from Genesis,he realized that during the time they spent together,he saw happier than when he was with Dorothy.And he loved so many little things about Luna that he just can't let her go.

It seemed as if Luna had slyly stolen his heart after all and he felt his feelings for Giana was just his mind playing tricks on him.But what he was unknowingly feeling for Luna all along was more than just lust.It was love and he screwed things up.

But he was completely determined to get his precious little Lu back even if it's the last thing he does.

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