Unexpected friend

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Ranboo POV

After a stressful day; all I want to do is just relax, but today is different, my anxiety is at an all time high and I can't calm down, this calls for a trip to a special place, special to me atleast.

I got home first to prepare some things before I start my hike to the field, I packed a small snack, some water and a sword just in case.

My fight or flight response is triggered causing me to get startled easily, I got startled by a few squirrels that pass by me like an idiot, I saw some zombies come near me but i quickly killed them.

I walked for a couple more minutes and I start to see the field, I let out a sigh and walked a little faster in excitement; "it's been a while since I was here" I thought as I entered the field.

I sat down at the base of a tree in the middle of the field, I breath in the fresh evening air and started to calm down, some might say that I'm over reacting but I can't exactly control this, people will say "Get over yourself!" Or "You're fine! Stop being so scared of everything!" To me but I don't listen because..well...what do they know? All they do is work and get drunk, that might seem fine for them but not for me, I want...more.

When times get hard and I desperately want to be happy, people will tell me to "You can't always be happy!" or "it's just life, deal with it" and I know but I just had enough of...everything.

I have no one in my life, I can't remember any of my family or if I even have one at all, all I know is my name is Ranboo Beloved, I am half enderman, I don't have a job, well I don't think I need one, the chests in my house are full of ores (except for netherite) and I live in a mansion in a snowy biome.

I get thrown out of my thoughts when I heard a twig snap, I quickly grabbed my sword and my fight or flight response is triggered again, this is one of the times that my anxiety is kinda useful because it's where it's appropriate...?

"Who's there!" I shouted hesitantly

I start to see a figure walk slowly towards me with both of their hands in the air.

"Hi uh please don't hurt me, I just found this field and I thought I could sit here and relax, I'll get out of here now just please don't hurt me" the figure; a boy said

I start to see him clearer, he's...cute

wait what?

His horns are curved to the side of his head, his brown hair almost covering his beautiful green eyes and his cute ears flicker every now and then.

"I'm not gonna hurt you don't worry" I say realizing that I might be scaring the crap out of him.

I dropped the sword while still looking at the boy, "I'm flattered that you think I can even hurt someone, I'm Ranboo and...you are?" I ask.

He tilts his head slightly to the side and his ears flicker again, he brings his arms down "I'm Tubbo" the boy said with a slight smile.

"Well, would you like to sit with me? You don't have to of course, I actually came here to relax too" I say smiling back at him.

"I would like that" Tubbo says.

I sat down and patted the grass beside me while leaning on the tree.

Tubbo sits down beside me with about a forearms length of space between us.

"So uh, what brings you here?" I ask.

"I was just overwhelmed by everything happening in my life I guess, I feel like everything is going wrong, I guess I was looking for an..." Tubbo paused.

"Escape?" I say

"Yeah, exactly" Tubbo says, giving me a smile afterwards.

"How about you?" Tubbo asked scooting a little bit closer to me.

"Pretty much the same thing..surprisingly" I say letting out a small chuckle.

"Sorry about earlier..with scaring you and everything" I say.

"It's alright, it's pretty understandable" Tubbo says.

I nod in response.

Silence fell between us, but it's not awkward, it's..comfortable.

A few moments pass and I hear-

"The stars are so pretty" Tubbo says under their breath while looking up.

"Yeah.." I said.

"I ran from home..actually, well- it doesn't exactly feel like home.." I hear Tubbo say while still looking at the stars.

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask

"Not really, thanks for the offer though" Tubbo said.

"Oh okay, do you have a place to stay? A friend's house or something?" I ask.

"Shit- uh sorry, I didn't think about that..I kinda just ran, I took some clothes with me and some bread though, and uh my only friend lives far from here" Tubbo says.

"W-well If you don't have a place to stay..i have a spare bedroom in my house, I can't really remember why I have a spare bedroom, I have really bad memory" I say looking at Tubbo with a smile.

"Thanks bigman!" Tubbo said with a smile while looking at me.

His smile makes me feel so..safe.

"You're welcome!" I say while smiling back at him.

"Well, I guess one of my friends live nearby" Tubbo says while looking away.

"But you said "only"" I said questioningly while looking at him.

"You're my other friend" Tubbo said with a smile while looking back at me.

I felt my face get hot and i realized that I didn't feel anxious at all while talking to Tubbo, it's a nice feeling, I..love it.

I let out a little 'aww' and said "Thanks Tubbo"

We talked for a few more hours like we've been best friends for years, we talked about everything that came to mind, just generaly getting to know each other, time really does pass by quickly when you're having fun.

"It's getting late, we should go" I said while standing up.

"You're right" Tubbo said in response while standing up too.

We started walking back to my house when I got scared by a squirrel again..so embarrassing-

"You okay bigman?" I hear Tubbo say.

"Uh yeah! I just got startled by that squirrel" I say.

"Okay" Tubbo said.

I suddenly feel Tubbo's hand hold mine, I flinched but I quickly relaxed to his touch.

"Is this okay?" Tubbo asked.

I nod while looking at him.

We see a squirrel pass by again.


I didn't get scared.

This is nice.

I start to see my house in the distance.

A/N: Aand that's the end of chapter 1,
It's kinda shitty to be honest but it's a work in progress:) hope you like it! I'll probably publish chapter 2 tomorrow:) i might make some changes idk, I already got the story planned, I just have to write it, bye<3

Also if you need someone to talk to, just dm me<3

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