Humble abode part 1

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TW: Swearing
I think you guys are used to it since you watch dsmp but I'll put it anyway<3

Tubbo POV

"I see the house" I hear Ranboo say.

I notice the air and environment get colder, good thing I have a jacket on.

I look ahead and I see a massive house made of spruce logs, spruce planks and cobblestone, it's gorgeous- I wonder what the inside looks like...

"Whoa! Is that it?" I ask in awe of the giant house.

"Yep" Ranboo said.

"And you live there? Alone?" I ask

"Yep, sadly" Ranboo said.

"Well not anymore y'know?" I said.

"What- Oh yeah! You're staying with me!" Ranboo said with a smile.

"Yep! And I can't thank you enough!" I said slightly hugging his left arm, and giving him a smile.

He smiles back as I see his cheeks change into a light color, he let out a small laugh that made me have butterflies in my stomach.

You just met him Tubbo get yourself together..

"Welcome to my humble abode!" Ranboo says while opening the door for me.

Ranboo POV

"Welcome to my humble abode!" I said while opening the door for Tubbo.

I mentally cringe at myself for saying that but I don't think Tubbo noticed.

Tubbo looked back at me and let out a giggle before going inside.


I follow Tubbo inside to see him looking around my house in awe.

"Hey Tubbo" I say while placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey! Your house is massive!" Tubbo said while still looking at the interior.

"It is yeah" I said while looking at my- well our house too.

"And it's so much beautiful-er on the inside!" Tubbo said.

I let out a laugh and said "Beautiful-er?".

"Oh shut up-" Tubbo said with a pout.

"Sorry- I agree with you though" I said while still slightly laughing.

I never really took the time to appreciate the interior design of this mansion since all I really did was eat, sleep and mope on my bed with the lights off but I gotta admit this house is amazing, I'm glad I own it.

"You ready to see your room? Or do you want a tour first?" I ask Tubbo before looking at him, waiting for a response.

"I'm kinda tired so maybe you can tour me tomorrow morning" Tubbo said before letting out a small yawn.

Cute- WAIT STOP- no- it's the truth though- JUST SHUT UP-

I took Tubbo's hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom next to mine.

(A/N: For the sake of this fanfic; just pretend that the house is like this- thank you<3)

"My bedroom's the next door to the left, just knock if you need something" I said.

"Okay bigman, goodnight!" Tubbo said.

"Goodnight Tubbo" I said with a smile before starting to walk towards my bedroom door.

"Oh uh...Ranboo?" I hear Tubbo say.

I stop walking and turned around to face Tubbo.

"Yes Tubbo?" I ask.

"Thanks again..for letting me stay with you" Tubbo says before smiling at me.

"It's really nothing Tubbo're welcome!" I say before smiling back at him.

"I'm gonna go to bed now, goodnight again boo!" Tubbo said before smiling while opening his door, entering his now room and immediately closing the door.

"Goodnight Tubbo" I said before I go to my room.

I got ready for bed and I changed out of my suit into an old white shirt and some random sweatpants I pulled out of my dresser.

I got into bed and I realized something...

Tubbo called me "boo".

Not that I mind, it's more of the opposite, I think it's cute.

Everything about Tubbo is cute.

This time I don't tell myself to shut up.

This time..I accept it.

I may actually be

I look to the side of my room and i saw shadows move under my door.

Tubbo? Is he gonna knock?

I sat up and waited for him but it seems like he's hesitating.

After a few more seconds, he retreats to his room.

Hm, I wonder what he wanted to do.

I debated going to his room but I just decided to ask him tomorrow.

I slowly fell into a deep sleep while still thinking about the goat boy I met earlier.

Tubbo POV

I immediately close the door and I slid down it.

I hear a faint "Goodnight Tubbo" and footsteps that slowly faded away.

Did I really just call him "boo"???

God I hope he doesn't think I'm weird!

But what if he does? AH!

He's not gonna wanna be my friend now!


Okay Tubbo, you just have to calm down and go ask him if he's okay with it.

I changed into some of the clothes I brought with me for when I actually go to bed and slowly opened my door.

I exited my room and I approached Ranboo's room trying not to make the floorboards creak.

I brought my fist up to knock on his door.

After a few seconds of going back and forth from deciding to knock and ask him now and deciding not to knock and just ask him tomorrow.

I decided to do it tomorrow instead so I just went back into my room.

I laid on my bed and thought maybe he doesn't mind.

God I really hope he doesn't.

Maybe he thinks it's cute- NO!

Why would he think it's cute?

Wait- does he think I'm cute?

WHAT THE- Shut up Tubbo.

A cute ass guy like him won't find you cute.

He is really cute though-

Shut- no it's the truth, I just have to accept it.

Yeah...he is cute.

I slowly fell asleep with Ranboo in my mind.

A/N: Aand that's a wrap, It's 3:30am rn and I want to sleep but I wanted to publish another chapter at the same time, so here you go<3 I was starting on the second part of this but I knew I can't finish this tonight so maybe I can post it later, I'm going to sleep now-

Anyways- I hope you enjoy!

Btw, If you need someone to talk to; just dm me:)

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