humble abode part 2

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TW: mentions of physical abuse but does not go into detail and fluff

A/N: So sorry for not publishing a chapter yesterday! I was preparing some stuff for an event coming up in my personal life and I couldn't find time to write the next chapter, so to make it up to you, I wrote a long chapter, enjoy!

8:45am the next morning
Ranboo's POV

I wake up to my alarm blaring at me.

I stopped it and remembered a certain someone that is currently staying at my house.


I got up and went to the connected bathroom in my room.

I changed back into a suit but this time with a yellow and black striped tie.

I went down the hallway to see Tubbo just getting out of his room wearing a yellow sweater and light blue overalls.

So cute...

"Good morning Tubbo! How'd you sleep?" I ask Tubbo before smiling at him.

"Good morning to you too Ranboo! I slept well, how about you?" Tubbo said in response before returning the smile.

"I slept well too!" I said while still smiling at Tubbo.

We both stare at each other for a couple minutes until I speak up.

"So uh- want some breakfast?" I ask.

"I'd love some!" Tubbo said.

"Okay- follow me" I say before walking downstairs and into the kitchen.

"So this is the kitchen! Oh! That reminds me- I'll tour you later" I say while walking behind the counter.

Tubbo walks towards the counter and sat on it.

"What do you want?" I ask Tubbo.

I hear him whisper something under his breath.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Nothing! Some pancakes would be nice, I'll help you make it" Tubbo says before getting down from the counter and standing nest to me.

Small Pov change
Tubbo POV

"What do you want?" Ranboo asks me.

"You" I said under my breath but Ranboo didn't seem to hear.

"What was that?" Ranboo said.

"Nothing! Some pancakes would be nice, I'll help you make it" I say while getting off the counter and standing next to Ranboo

Ranboo POV

"Oh alright, could you get the mix from the pantry please Tubbo?" I say.

"Of course!" Tubbo said before turning towards the small pantry in the corner of the kitchen.

As Tubbo grabs the pancake mix, I get the bowls, pans and utensils ready.

Tubbo walks back to me and plops the 2 boxes of pancake mix on the counter.

"Can we eat all that Tubbo?" I ask Tubbo.

"Wanna bet?" Tubbo asked with a sly smirk on his face.

"No nevermind-" I said.

I hear Tubbo hum in response and  turns to the boxes and opened them

"Alright, let's make some pancakes and try not to burn the house down!" I hear Tubbo say.

I let out a laugh and nodded in response.

After mixing the batter, which got everywhere; Tubbo helped me cook them.

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