Cool breeze and blushed faces

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A/N: Hi! School hit like a bus  and I've just been anxious all week, but I'm good now, sorta:) i'm so great at making titles-/sar.

TW: Minimal swearing, suggestions of  suicide (intrusive thoughts) and fluff as always.

Tubbo POV
Time skip to a couple months (I really hope you don't mind:)

It has now been months since I moved in with Ranboo, I honestly don't even notice time going by.

I remember about 2 er- 3 months ago when we baked muffins with the flower vendor and his husband that Ranboo met, it got so messy but our whole kitchen smelled so good!

We ended up baking too much so we gave some to Phil.

Life's been so different now that I'm away from my dad, some people might say that my daily schedule that consists of basically hanging out with Ranboo all day will get boring over time but no,

It's just- I'm so happy when I'm with Ranboo! I never ever want to leave his side, he pretty much gave me all the love my dad never gave me and it just feels euphoric even just looking at him!

God I love him!


"Hellooo! Earth to Tubbo!" Ranboo said waving his hand in front of my face, throwing me back to reality.

"Oh! Hey! Uh sorry I zoned out there" I said while looking at Ranboo.

"It's alright, so where were you?" Ranboo asked.

"What?" I said slightly tilting my head to the side in confusion.

"Rephrase! Sorry for the confusion- What were you thinking bout'?" Ranboo said.

"Uhm-" I muttered.

"You don't have to tell me of course-" Ranboo said, cutting me off.

"No it's alright, I've just been thinking about how happy I've been these last few months" I said while looking down, smiling to myself.

I look up to see Ranboo with blushed cheeks and a smile on his face.

"Me too" Ranboo says while looking at me.

We both stared at each other before Ranboo breaks the silence.

"You know...I was having intrusive thoughts the days before I met you" Ranboo said while looking down at his lap.

"Is it the kind of when you kinda want to end it all?" I asked in a soft voice

Ranboo nods and says "Yeah...sorry for changing the mood all of a sudden..heh" while wiping his tears on his sleeve.

I stood up, sat beside Ranboo and leaned against him.

"It's okay boo, I understand, and..same to be honest, but all that changed when I met you" I said, holding his hand.

He turned to look at me, gave me a soft smile and hugged me.

I didn't waste any time and hugged back.

Ranboo said a small thank you in a whispering voice.

"It's nothing" I said, enjoying the hug.

We hug all the time, hell- even in our sleep, but I love our hugs.

I love..this.

I think we're just touch starved like the people that read this fanfic but eh.

"Hey boo?" I ask while pulling out of the hug a little to look at Ranboo.

"Yeah?" Ranboo asked.

"Remember the plans we talked about? Before we played hide and seek that one time?" I said.

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