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Somehow it never stops

"We also know his father-"

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"We also know his father-"


The last few days before returning to Hogwarts were the worst. Her mum was still in hospital, meaning her father was never home and she was pretty sure he hadn't slept in days. It was a few days until the full moon so Remus was incredibly unpleasant to be around unless she was bringing him food because his body ached so bad he couldn't make it downstairs himself, the stress of everything was weighing down on him and Diana could tell. Whenever she did bring him food, he could barely eat it, meaning Diana would make food for him and would eat his leftovers because otherwise she'd be wasting food and Merlin knows they don't have the money for that.

If she wasn't thinking of Remus or her mum all Diana could see in her brain was the image of James kissing Lily on New Years and the feeling of her heart shattering. Matthew wrote a lot and she replied to almost every letter, he was sweet and kind and well, Diana can't not admit that he's cute too.

Then there was the matter of Regulus, since he'd left the cottage Diana hadn't gotten a single letter from him and she was starting to worry. He didn't usually send many but he would at least send one every few days so Diana would know he was alive. There was no way she could write to him because his parents knew the last name Lupin, Lyall Lupin was a blood traitor and if you didn't think Walburga and Orion Black knew every blood traitor out there (dead and alive), well you're just naive.

Diana was so worried to see Regulus again, she honestly didn't know if she would see him again. Neither of them knew the consequences of Regulus going back after escaping, obviously Regulus knew better but now with Sirius disowned, the possibilities were endless. She didn't really want to think about it though, it would weigh on her mind too much, but maybe that was good because otherwise she'd think of James.

James, oh James. He somehow ended up breaking her heart even though they're not even relatively together, well Lily Evans had a big part in it too, but that was besides the point. If she thought about James then she'd think about Matthew and then she'd get confused after being sad because he was different, Matthew that is. He wasn't the boy she expected him to be and he wasn't the boy she thought would show up when she really needed him to, but she dated his sister, his sister. Could she really do that to Marlene? She decided she'd talk to Marls, tell her about everything, about James and Evans and about kissing her brother while apologising about a hundred times.

Diana didn't want to go back to Hogwarts, well she did because it would offer some distractions, but not really because she didn't think she could handle much more. The quidditch season was getting more intense, the quidditch cup was soon, so there were more practises scheduled. Ravenclaw needed to beat Gryffindor to even have a chance at competing for the cup. Diana couldn't fathom the thought of losing the cup to Gryffindor, they'd be all smug and walk around the school acting like they're better than everyone else (well, more than they do now anyways).

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