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Going home

"Bloody fucking hell, you did not!"

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"Bloody fucking hell, you did not!"


It was a few hours later when Madam Pomfrey finally let Diana out of the Hospital Wing, she said Remus had to stay another night, but Diana was free to go. All she had to do was come in tomorrow during her free period, so she could get the scar checked out. Diana made her into the Great Hall and saw her friends sitting at their usual spot at the Gryffindor table and decided to join them.

"Hello boys, lovely day innit?" Diana asked as she approached the Gryffindor table. She sat down beside Fabian and across from Gideon, she seemed happy to be back until she saw the look on Rory's face. "Are you seriously upset with me?" she asked, only to be ignored by the boy.

"Real mature McLaggen, real mature." she sighed, shaking her head. Gideon and Fabian were both trying not to laugh at their friend's antics.

Food appeared on the tables and they all dug in, conversation flowed easily between Diana and the twins, Rory was still being stubborn so he ate in silence. Diana knew that Rory cared deeply for her, as she did him, but they were both way too stubborn for their own good. The two had the tendency to let their stubbornness get in the way of expressing how they felt. They were nearing the end of dinner when Diana decided she'd had enough, she put down her fork that she'd previously been using to eat some treacle tart and looked directly at Rory.

"You know, I wanted to tell you, I got hurt." she said.

"Well, what stopped you? Because I didn't appreciate having to hear about it from Potter." he scoffed, raising his eyebrow.

"Maybe for one, I was unconscious and couldn't exactly just walk off into the castle looking for you three idiots. Also, James was the one who brought me to the Hospital Wing after being attacked anyway, so I'd say what he did was pretty nice." she argued, getting progressively more angry with her friend.

"Look, I get you were hurt, but I just didn't appreciate hearing about it from somebody else." he sighed, his angry gaze softening. "You could've died last night and after hearing it from Potter, I was so fucking worried, we all were."

"I'm alright guys, I really am." she assured them, smiling softly. "On the brightside, now I've got this badass scar to show off." she laughed, earning a slap on the back of the head from Fabian.

"Can you ever be serious?" Gideon laughed.

"No no, I'm pretty sure that's my brother's shit friend." Diana teased, all three of her friends looking at her dumbfounded. "Ok, ok, I get it was a horrible joke, but just go with it."

"Your humour is so fucking terrible." Fabian said between laughs.

"Fuck off, you love it and you know it." she said, her smile wide, she looked around at her friends and realized that this was really all she needed. These three people made her happier than anyone else could and she wouldn't trade this feeling for anything else in the world.

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