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"Go check if the bad guys are still there, Sammie. Scale the wall or something," Matthew commanded, eager to see me use my powers in real-life situations. This instance involved a recent bank robbery, which, I had to admit, seemed like a questionable idea.

"I'm not Spiderman, Matthew. I can fly, not climb buildings, with my bare hands. It's a completely different superpower," I muttered, my gaze fixed on my brother. Matthew pushed me forward, causing me to stumble out of the alleyway.

Matthew raised his walkie-talkie to his mouth and spoke, "This is Officer Matthew Knight, requesting backup on robbery suspects."

A deep voice responded from the other end, "Roger that. Officer Kane and I are already in pursuit."

"Awesome. Do your superhero stuff, Golden Boy," Matthew urged, giving me another shove. I shot him a brief glare, realizing that he wouldn't give up until I apprehended the suspects. Rolling my shoulders, I pulled my hoodie over my head and floated into the sky.

I couldn't fathom why Matthew believed involving my superpowers was a good idea. His weapon, tucked into his waistband, was just as valuable. It felt foolish to do this, as if there were more important things I could do instead of playing the role of a superb superhero. It simply didn't sit right with me.

"Damn," Matt cursed from below, looking up at me while waving his phone. It was a series of events unfolding rapidly. I reached into my pocket for my phone and unlocked it. Matthew dashed towards his patrol car... I dialed a number... My brother leaped into his vehicle and answered the call. Then he swiftly pulled out of the alley, joining the swarm of cop cars in pursuit.

I swooped after the fleeing criminals. Matthew stepped on the gas, speeding after the police vehicles and catching up.

My foot landed firmly on the concrete as the front of the criminal's car collided with my chest. The impact nearly knocked me off balance, causing my phone to slip from my grasp and crash onto the ground as the swarm of cop cars screeched to a halt.

The van came to a stop, its bumper and hood crushed from the collision, but I remained unscathed. Stepping aside, I witnessed the police officers drawing their guns on the half-conscious robbers still inside the vehicle, only to swiftly redirect their weapons toward me. Bumper-to-bumper traffic came to a standstill in the near distance.

In the background, Matthew arrived, jumping out of his car as his eyes locked onto me. Henry then pushed his way to the forefront of the group.

"Step out of the vehicle and walk towards my voice," he demanded. Three men cautiously opened the van's back door, and bullets erupted from their weapons. I immediately swooped in front of the officers, intercepting each shot, leaving bullet holes in my hoodie but not a scratch on my skin.

The robbers' guns jammed, and they bolted out of the van, ready to flee. However, I swiftly advanced, grabbing one man by his leather jacket and lifting him about ten feet into the air while the police pursued the other two suspects on foot.

"You should carefully consider your next move," I warned. The robber squirmed in my grasp, attempting to escape, but I held on tightly.

"If you were to fall right now, you'd have a high chance of killing yourself."

The man halted, gaping into my eyes as I tightened my grip. Down below, the police re-holstered their guns.

"W-who are you?" the robber stammered, his voice trembling.

"I'm not entirely sure yet," I replied, glancing at Matthew, who stood nearby. "Let's go with Golden Goliath." I descended back to the ground, landing in front of my brother and restraining the robber by pinning his hands behind his back. Matthew nodded, signaling that I had done a commendable job. Then Henry stepped forward, examining me intently, attempting to discern my true identity beneath the mask.

"Who are you?" my brother inquired, struggling to identify me beneath the disguise.

"Call me Golden Goliath," I answered, listening as Matthew snorted while I rolled my eyes. The robber spat at me and was escorted away in handcuffs to a waiting police cruiser. The officers opened the door, slamming his head against the side before shoving this robber inside.

"Thank you for your help, uh, Golden Goliath," Henry expressed, studying me up and down. I couldn't believe he failed to recognize his brother beneath the superhero suit. I dressed as Robin for Halloween that year when we all donned superhero costumes.

"No problem," I said. Then, glancing at Matthew, I lifted into the air and flew off.


I buried my face in the couch cushions while Matthew sat beside me, munching on a bag of cheese puffs and sipping a beer.

"You were incredible," he boasted, taking a jab and adding, "But we need to work on your exit strategy." I stared blankly at the television screen, where a blurred photo of me in my superhero attire was displayed—a testament to my collaboration with the police for the first time.

"Yep," I replied tersely.

Matthew shoved a handful of cheese puffs into his mouth before James peeked into the room, wearing a footed onesie and clutching a stuffed horse. His eyebrows furrowed, showing the little one was on the verge of tears.

"Hey, buddy! What's wrong?" Matthew called out, and James scurried over, settling comfortably on the couch nestled in his father's arms.

"I had a bad dream," he revealed. My brother rubbed James's arms, comforting his troubled mind. "It was about Mommy. Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's at work, buddy. She's strong, just like you." Matthew playfully booped his son's nose with his index finger, and James's eyes grew fixated on the television.

"There's a superhero?" James suddenly exclaimed. Matthew briefly glanced at me before responding.

"Yeah, buddy. His name is Golden Goliath."

"Cool!" James exclaimed with excitement. "I want to be just like him when I grow up."

"Maybe you will," I muttered, my attention fixated on a shot of a towing company removing the crushed getaway car from the scene.

"Don't get any ideas," my brother warned. "I don't want you thinking you can become a superhero, James." He added, "Now, off to bed before I call Golden Goliath to come put you to sleep."

"You know him?" James asked, his eyes lighting up as he sat on the couch.

"Yeah, he's a friend," Matthew replied. "Now go back to bed. You have school in the morning."

"Do you know him too, Samual?" James inquired. Panic surged within me, unsure whether I should confess or reveal that I was Golden Goliath. In the end, I opted for the former.

"Yeah, he's a friend of mine, too," I said.

"Can I meet him?" he asked, his eyes gleaming. I groaned, growing apprehensive, especially with my brother observing me.

"Your dad is right, buddy. It would help if you went to sleep," I responded, casting a longing glance.

James pouted, yawning widely as he snuggled into his father's embrace one last time before Matthew scooped him up.

"Come on, buddy. Let's get you to bed," he said, glancing at me before carrying James back upstairs to his bedroom, leaving me fixated on a frozen image of myself in a superhero suit. I couldn't believe it. I had become a superhero. My high school version would have never imagined that I would don a suit like Batman and save people as a hobby. However, it was Matthew's idea, not mine.

Samual: The Power ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now