6. Should I go?

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Tommy's pov:

In the last few weeks, I did everything to get dream's trust again. I noticed that he would now always lock the front door... I mean I see why but he made sure that I would never ever try to escape again even without locking the front door.

I was so scared of what would happen if I broke a rule again, but I wanted to see outside again, it was so beautiful and great and... No! Do not even think about going outside. You would make dream mad... And you don't want to make dream mad, do you?

Of course I didn't! But it was so nerve-racking not to go outside again... It has been a new week since the urge to go outside has gotten stronger... I want to do it so badly ...

Every day I stood in front of the door separating me from the outside world...

Every day I came closer to the door...

Every day the urge got stronger...

But the door was always looked...

About a week later dream told me that he would be away for quite a bit and that I shouldn't do anything stupid...

I listened to dream, he walked down the corridor and stepped out the front door, the door close and... He... Didn't look it... I didn't hear the familiar sound of the key locking the door...

It never came... Not a minute later and not an hour later... It just wasn't there...

And there it was again, the urge to go outside... It was way stronger this time, but I need to be good! I need to make dream proud, but it was such a sweet thought just to step outside, I didn't even had to go anywhere, I could just go on the corn field by the house or in the forest that I could see outside my window.

Before I  even noticed it, I was in front of the door again...

I put my hand on the handle and ... Hesitated... Should I go? Would dream be mad? Would he cut me again... I didn't want that, but if he didn't notice... He couldn't punish me for something that he doesn't know about, could he... I didn't think so...

I pushed down the door handle and ....


Hello readers!!

I literally made a post two days ago thanking you for 40 readers and now we are already at 105 readers!!

Like it just doubled in less than a two days?!

Thank you so so so much for that❤️❤️

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a great day or night❤️


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