Memories Bring Back You I

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We had been fighting with each other for two weeks straight followed by one week of complete distance and silence.
I don't know when and how and why things escalated so much. Everything I said seemed wrong to him and everything he said seemed unreasonable to me. We had hit the rock bottom. Yes, that was what he said before walking out on me one week back. I could clearly see it in his eyes that he had given up on me, given up on us. The void was way too deep for a "let's start over again" or a "let's push this under the carpet" to be able to make things normal like before. I somewhere deep down knew that maybe this was it. That maybe this was all that was written in our destiny.
But then after one week of cold war, I saw his message. If I say my heart raced at the speed of light, it surely wouldn't be an exaggeration. It was nearly a month since we had laughed or cuddled or just been happy with each other. I was mentally exhausted and emotionally drained but that one message from him, brought back life into my lifeless soul.

"Meet me at Royal Blue. Today 9pm. I will have you picked post packup."

That was all it read. Short, formal and to the point. Very unlikely of my sunny but very likely of karan.
One part of me was damn relieved that I heard something from him after so many days but another part of me was shit scared. I couldn't help but think of all the negative aspects of his message. My heart stopped me from slipping into that zone but my brain was way too curious to listen to my heart. And the mere possibility of him breaking up with me scared the living day lights out of me. I quickly shooed away all those negative thoughts and concentrated on my brand endorsement shoot which was going on in my house. I shall think about it later because that's what I had been doing since the past one month. Thinking about him. That's all.
I saw his mini wait outside my house from my balcony and I rushed through the stairs to meet him. But the moment I saw that the person occupying the driver seat was not him, my face fell. I could hear something break. Oh, that was my heart which shattered like a glass.
"I shall have you picked post packup"
Hmm, this is what he meant by that. Nonetheless I gave a small smile to the driver and sat in the back seat of his car. The moment I got in, all those memories of him in this car came rushing back to me. The first time we were papped outside ekta ma'am's office two days after bigboss had wrapped up, the first time we had escaped the paps by working according to his ingenious plan, the first time we had gone out to eat in a restaurant which was more like our first date, the first time we had parked this car in deserted place and kissed each other and the first time we had gotten wild on the hill top in this car. All of it, rushed back. I gently caressed the leather of his car as it could have been my very last ride in his car. All the possibilities of him parting his ways with mine came rushing in front of eyes and soon I could feel my eyes moisten. I knew the thought of us separating broke me from within. And the potential damage it could cause, would be beyond any repair. I simply looked out of the window and blinked away my tears, asking myself to stay strong, asking my self to stay composed. But I realised none of it was worth it. Because I was breaking each time I stopped talking to myself that too harder than before. I laid my head back, closed my eyes and just let the tears slip out of my eyes. I couldn't keep them concealed in my eyes any longer. All those beautiful moments of us in the bigboss house came rushing in front of my eyes and I couldn't help but smile bitterly. The initial crushing phase, the newly in a relationship phase, the unofficially official phase, the post confession phase, the jealousy, the possessiveness, the fights, the hidden romance, the drive to take time out for each other, all of it played in front of eyes like a film. And the fact that all of them would soon turn to be just memories of a certain someone the moment Karan calls this relationship off, pierced my heart a thousand times.
"Ma'am, your destination has arrived."
I came out of my long train of thoughts and stepped out of his car. Maybe, for the last time. Who knows?! I took a deep breath and started walking towards this beautiful place which was anything but definitely a very wrong place for breaking the news of separation to your partner. If he still considered me to be his partner.
As I walked in with my heart thudding and my hands going sweaty out of nervousness, I was led to a private area where I saw him standing with his back facing me at the edge of the terrace railings. I gulped down the lump which had formed in my throat, and in a very cracked, chocked voice, I called him out, maybe for the last time as my fiance.

A/N: Thank you for showering so much love on my first book, "Rewrite the Stars". I am not abandoning it, don't worry, but I just had some angsty plots in my mind which I couldn't fit in that book therefore here's a series of short stories on TejRan. I hope you guys like this too.

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