Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Percy POV

"Percy, what are those cut marks" asked Jason cautiously

Crap I forgot about them

"Well if you must know I got them from my abusive baby sitter Gabe" (ayyy hate that guy so this is the place where I get to do things to him *cue maniacal laughter* well you can kill him)

"I will kill him for that, your entire body is full of scars, half of them aren't even from Luke" exclaimed calypso

"Yea Gabe was an alcoholic, he was drunk most of the time and seriously hated me"

"Wow, now i really hate him" said calypso

"Does your dad know" asked rose

"Does he?" Asked Katie

"Yeah he does" I replied

"Soooo what happened to him" questioned piper

"In a hospital with about 23 broken bones and a dislocated arm" I said

"What" exclaimed Leo

"Yeah, when by dad found out, he broke his bones brutally and slowly"

"Wow harsh but he deserved it"

"I guess"

"Well now that Aphrodite and the others are coming to our school, what's the plan?" Asked Jason

"In all honesty, I dunno"

"Wow you sure are an Einstein"

"Shut up"

*timeskip to new term*


"What is it sister" I replied venomously as she flinched

"I just want to apologise, I know what I did was wrong but please, please can you forgive me"

"Aahhh, I don't know, this is all so confusing"

"Percy please"

"Fine but if you do one more thing to mess up, you wi-"

"Thank you, thank you, I promise I won't.

"I am counting on it... sister."

Aphrodite POV

"Where were you aphro" asked Artemis

"Hanging out with Percy why"

"Doesn't he hate you"

"Nope, we're back on neutral terms"

"Wait really"


"Do you think that he still.. likes me?"

"I don't know but doesn't he have a girlfriend"


"Well we gotta go school"


"Well let me call Percy, he will pick us up"

*time skip*

Percy POV

"Hey there handsome" said a girl in a v neck shirt which showed more cleavage than he wanted t9 even look at and a skirt to low to even count as skirts (I told you I would introduce drew)

"Who are you, do I know you" I asked

"My name is drew and I'm pretty sure I met you because I never forget a pretty face" she said with a pout on her lips, while bending down showing more cleavage "plus you should come with me and we will get to know each other" (she always is a slut and hoe)

Percy Jackson high school troublesWhere stories live. Discover now