Chapter 1

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This story is inspired by XxxblackwolfxxX on And is similar in many ways but is not the same

Percy POV

It has been 3 months, 3 months since those scum betrayed me, weak they called me, wimpy they called me but now I am with their arch rivals and with much better friends...


"Percy what do you mean Luke did this to you, he is very kind to you stop being an ungrateful jerk and lose your jealousy of him that you aren't as popular or more athletic than him" screamed annabeth

*1 week ago*

what do you say boys should we give him the special treatment" Luke said with evil glint bringing up his Swiss Army knife carving his initials "LC" and made different types of slashes and cuts and punched me with his goons until I was a bloody mess

*present timeline in flash back*

My heart shattered knowing that I had feelings for her but she chose my almost killer over me. I had another crush but that was worse, I had to keep that out of my memory, I had no one left except my cousins Thalia grace, Apollo, Nico and bianca di Angelo and my older brother James. James was an awesome person who everyone liked, he was the perfect older brother, he stood up for me, helped me fit in and treated me kind kindness and equality.

It has been 5 weeks since that happened, 5 weeks since I convinced my parent and brother to move from hades high to Tartarus high. 5 weeks was what it took me to recover, right now me and my brother are walking along our daily path, a lot has changed since those years in hades high. I know have a 6 pack and bulging biceps. As I was thinking about my pass, a voice called out "hey, you two how are ya?" "My name is Jason, Jason grace what is yours?"

"Percy, Percy Jackson" I said cautiously

"Wait aren't you the guy who lives in the huge mansion near the school" asked a scrawny Latino elf like person

"Yes" My brother said "and by the way my name is James jackson his older brother"

Slowly, they introduced themselves, the lantino elf was called Leo, there was a big burly dude called beckendorf, a Asian boy with a baby face called frank, Jason who we knew and travis and Connor stoll, the mischievous twins.

"What were you guys doing just now" I asked

"Well we were at some off our friends houses but it was boring so I am kind of glad that Connor and travis were prancing them by removing their makeup with yellow marker pens (idk what else they would do to get them kicked out)

"Wait a minute, Connor Travis, do you still have the water Balloons?" asked Jason

"Yea why" answered travis

"Because we are going to raid the girls" and at that we all got evil and identical (somehow) smirks. "Hey perce, James do you guys know parkour?"

"Yes and I bet that we are better than you at" replied my brother

"Bet" answered Jason

(Time skip to after their epic parkour race and Leo totally not failing for being short I am pretty sure he is like 5'3 or something like that lololol)

As we looked through the open window I saw 6 girls coming towards the window and as they just passed it I yelled "now" and we unleashed a rapid water balloon ambush and quickly jumped down and leapt across buildings with the others right behind me.


As we were walking past an open window a voice shouted "Now" and as we turned around we were being hit by multiple water balloons and couldn't believe it when there were 2 more figures beside 1 with dark blue eyes and raven black hair and the other with.... Ocean green eyes and sleek raven black hair. Could it be, the brothers and sons of the legendary Poseidon the multi-billionaire? Well another rich jerk that would be attending our school and I though Kellie and her little posse was the only rich jerk attending our school but one thought keep coming back to me, they were supposed to be in hades high our arch nemesis, what are they doing in Tartarus high then p, I could see that the other girls were coming or reached in my sister calypso case to the same conclusion as we had, the shadowy figures, could it be James Jackson and Percy or Perseus Jackson?

"Great just what we need if they really are who we think they are the school will have more arrogant jerks acting like they own the place" said piper

"Yes but then what were they doing with Jason and the other boys, they must have known and thought that they were good kids if he allowed them to come with them as Jason despised those arrogant villains more than we do" replied calypso, my sister always the logical one. "But what do we do now" asked Katie

"Isn't it obvious, we question them." Answered Reyna

"But will they answer" replied calypso

"We wouldn't know unless we try, am I right?" Said Rose

"Yes i suppose so" I said

"Well we got some people to question" said piper excitedly

(Time skip to when the boys leave Percy's mansion about 3 hours I guess)

"Hello Jason" we all said at the same time making their eyeballs go wide

"Uhhh are yall still mad at us" squeaked frank looking around nervously

"We won't be unless you tell us who was that and where he lives" answered calypso (straight to the point I know)

"Stalker much" drawled beckendorf

"Oh yes really" I replied now we could really see how scared they were

"Well I am astounded that you haven't figured out our benefactor" exclaimed travis

"Big and long words don't make you smart moron" snickered Reyna "and a benefactor is someone who pays for something idiot"

"What did you just say to me" shouted travis

"Apparently your deaf also" replied Reyna

"Woah chill guys, because they still haven't answered our questions" said calypso calmly

 "Well if you must know he is.....

Ha ya'll must hate me for always ending on a cliffhanger right?  Well I am sorry about that but it's to keep the suspense going you know. Well this took a long time and i hope you guys enjoyed it word count: 1062 words wow a lot my most lol 

Percy Jackson high school troublesWhere stories live. Discover now