Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6) In the Forest- Carlo

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Carlo had the snitch.

All though he would never show his happiness over this. Carlo would only feel proud and impressed that he managed to catch the snitch. For Kiaan had given him a good game, what Carlo had almost lost.

Still Carlo had the snitch. Meaning Pureza would win and just at that moment as if by some miracle the referee yelled this out as if they had just read Carlo's mind.


Most of the audience started applauding and Carlo knew Faye would be one of them. The only person he felt he could truly trust. Sure he had Ruby and Kiaan but he didn't trust them. Unlike Faye he trusted only because he had known her for even longer, for she had been sent to the orphanage he was at. The name of the orphanage was Dark lily Orphanage.

Everything was going great for Carlo let alone Pureza. That was until his eyes unfortunately landed on Emilio who was already glaring at him with narrowed eyes. Due to Carlo's absolute hatred for Emilio he returned the favour to him.

After quite a long bit of time the Eterna captain had enough and called both boys out for it.

"Seriously you two need to give it a rest."

Finally, when Emilio was the first to remove his eyes from Carlo's something in Carlo made him feel satisfied at this. As if he had just proven he was a greater wizard compared to someone like Emilio.

That was the last word what was spoken between any of the Pureza and Eterna players. Causing everyone to be literally drowned in awkwardness. Luckily neither teams needed to wait long because the Eterna captain and Pureza captain started to lead the way back to the changing room.

Inside the Pureza changing room everything was silent and that was how Carlo preferred things. As it gave him time to reflect on the past....a past he never truly liked. For he was sent to an orphanage by his own father, even though his father was fully capable of looking after him.

Carlo had never meet his mother due to the fact she had died in childbirth. What was beyond annoying because if she was alive he probably wouldn't have been sent to the orphanage in the first place. But if Carlo hadn't been sent to Dark Lily Orphanage then he would of never met the one person who seemed to truly care for him, Faye Torres.

Due to the fact Carlo wanted to see Faye he slipped into his Pureza house clothes as if he had been in them all this time.

Outside he was immediately met with the smiley face of Faye who was obviously so proud that Carlo had won.

"Carlo I am so proud that you won and caught the snitch. I knew you could do it even if you might not of thought you could."

Because Carlo was just with Faye ,who was already leading him to the Forest what was their usual hangout with Kiaan and Ruby, he decided to respond verbally to her.

"Faye may I insist that you tell me when that was?"

"Ummmm.... it was..."

When Faye couldn't put her finger on it Carlo raised his eyebrow at her before responding with something what someone would normally jokingly say, but as it was Carlo he asked it without showing any emotion at all.

"Has a snake got your tongue?"

Faye stops walking as if emphasising her annoyance at Carlo's comment.

"Carlo. Let me think when it was alright. All right I remembered it was the other when I was hanging in your dorm and you were drinking a fire whisky like usual." Faye began stating before she sarcasticly added "So no a snake hasn't got my tongue."

In that singular moment Carlo didn't care if he laughed quietly, as he watched as Faye was now taking the lead once more as they were walking to their hangout spot. Carlo couldn't quite help himself from laughing.

"Maybe I underestimated you, princesa."

Faye scrunched up her nose just a little as she allowed Carlo to out walk her. As they neared the hangout spot. Carlo's face turned back to emotionless when he finally made his way to the hangout spot. This was mostly because he hated to seem vulnerable around anyone but Faye. But the other main reason was because Carlo spotted the person he hated the most in the world.....


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