Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8) Necromancy and Camila's curse- Faye

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The next day had finally arrived. Today Faye would first of be attending Necromancy what would probably be taught by Professor Nielsen a professor Faye looked up to but not as strongly as Professor Castillo, who was without a doubt her favourite teacher. After that Transfiguration with Professor Martinez.

Yet Faye couldn't wait a mere secound before she jumped up from her soft cushiony white Espíritu bed and slipped into her house uniform as quickly as she could. Brushing her hair like a niffler who had just spotted gold, Faye rushed out of the white marble door and into the pearly grand common room of Espíritu. Where candles where expertly dotted here and there with such dignity that they forced anyone to feel calm and relaxed. Sunlight danced on the polar white marble floor causing it to look like actual snow, the sort what would make a triumphant crackle under foot.

Faye could definitely understand why anyone would be disappointed to not be placed in Espíritu when the whole common room was as beautiful as this. No matter the time of day.

Remembering she needed to get breakfast from the vast dinning room before making her way to Necromancy and Transfiguration, Faye literally sprinted down the corridors not really worrying about her surroundings as her robe flapped behind her. Inside the vast dinning room the only person Faye could find was Emilio not the person she would of chosen to sit next, but what choice did she really have. Either that or sit on her own and in all honesty Faye would prefer the first option.

As soon as Faye sat down Emilio removed his eyes from his depressing looking burnt dried up toast and onto Faye. Who he gave a small almost unnoticeable smile to.

"Thanks for inviting me to the celebration yesterday. I know we don't know each other and I know we aren't friends and most likely won't ever be. But after the situation...."

Emilio trailed off not wanting to talk about Professor Pufpaff

"Well let's just say it means a lot. And some way or another I hope this recovering world finds a way to thank you for it's gratitude."

Faye knew what Emilio meant by the world's gratitude. In truth it was his gratitude but because of who he was he would never clarify this as the plain simple truth, not yet anyways.

Noticing some soggy left over toast Faye made up her mind to have it, but because her arms weren't long enough she decided to ask Emilio to pass it to her.

"Emilio do you mind passing that toast to me?"

Without even grumbling Emilio passed it over to Faye whilst joking about it with a laughing smile.

"As you wish Ma'am and do you want tea, milk or orange juice with it."

Uncontrollably, Faye began laughing as she chocked on the crumbly sad piece of toast.

What she hated was the fact she was enjoying her time with Emilio. A boy who had always tormented her but maybe underneath he was just an abused boy who wanted a way in which he could escape. If that was so Faye wouldn't mind befriending Emilio and attempting to help him cope with it all.

"Hmm let me think kind sir.... I'll have orange juice."

Both of them bursted into laughter something Faye had never truly experienced before and something she knew she wanted to do again. Next Emilio poured and handed a glass of orange juice to Faye in a flourish. As soon as Emilio passed it over to Faye, she thanked him as it would of been disrespectful if she hadn't. Next she sipped at the orange juice allowing the flavour trickle down her throat.

As she was doing this silence had fallen between the two of them. It was the same type of silence Faye would experience whenever she was hanging out with Carlo. Not the type of silence what was uncomfortable. No. The type of silence what was actually peaceful. The type what you could sleep to and feel safe. The type of silence what would give you a small miniature secound to know what it would feel like if time itself stopped.

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