Chapter 4 |why?|

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Day of party still Jaxx POV.
So it's my birthday and like usual I got up brushed my teeth and take a shower. When I got out I pot a high waisted skirt that was black and white flowers with a short sleeve plain black crop top.
I put a little mascara and some lipgloss (be pumpin😂👌🏻) and got my phone and headed down stairs. As I got down O2L was coming in. "Hey you look great" Trevor said "thank you" I said hugging me "happy birthday day cutie" he whispered in my ear so Hayes wouldn't hear. "My turn" Ricky said separating us. "Happy birthday gurly he" said squeezing me until I cough. and everyone did the same. It was around 1:49 and people started to arrive, with alcohol?
By 7:00 everyone except me Trevor and Connor we drunk. Connor didn't drink because he hade to manage the problems and me and Trevor didn't want to but Hayes was all in it but I couldn't find him but when I went to Nash's room and he was eating a girls face out. I said "i thought you loved me" making him get up "let me explain" he said "no leave me alone" and I shut the door and ran to Trevor and asked "can we go to your house" "yeah"he said and we told Connor and we left. as we walked there he asked "what happened up there" "he was kissing another girl" I said as we walked threw the door. "It's ganna be ok baby I mean sorry" he said "it's fine and thank you and I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him and moments later some one nocked on the door "I'll get it" I said as I opened the door. Hayes was there crying "I'm sorry please" he said. "No we are not together anymore" I said."you hurt me and you can't fix that right now" I added. "Fine but I'll get you back".he said getting out "here I won't you to have this" Trevor said and he put a necklace that had a pic of O2L in it i thanked him and moments later the door swung opened. "Jaxx what happened with Hayes" Connor said. "He kissed another girl" I said starting to cry. "It ganna be okay girly here let me take you home" he said "okay thank you and I headed to the door and both Connor and Trevor followed me. When we got home no one but O2L and magcon were there some were passed out since it was 2:45am. I was cleaning and Aaron came to me and said "you hurt him" and I blacked out. When I woke up i was on the couch with people yelling at Aaron. "Guys don't yell at Aaron it's not his fault" i said. "Yeah it's mine I drank till I did that its my fault" Hayes said "no" I said getting up but fell on Trevor. "Sorry" I said "no prob" he responded. "Wait what happened!?!" Dad said. "I caught Hayes practically eating a girls face in Nash's room" I said getting up to go to my room. When I got there Hayes was there crying. "Let's talk" he said crying. "Fine". I said "I did it once and I don't know why but the truth is that I love you and that won't change please babe take me back I love you" he said "I don't know if you did it once what tells me you won't do it again!?!" I Said. "i don't know" he said. "I'll tell you by tomorrow night" i said getting in the bathroom. When i got out he was sleeping on my bed so I went down stairs and told dad "Hayes is sleeping on my bed". "Sleep here I guess well the O2L guys are" he said. "Ok I said and fell asleep in between kian and Trevor they both cuddled on me and it was cute.
It was 1:30pm and Kian and Trevor were still on me so I squeezed out. Dad and Shawn were in the kitchen and I asked "can I go to Yuli and Justin's house" and smiled. "Sure but be back by 4:30"
"Ok" I said up and got in the bathroom and changed into high-rise shorts with a jack and jack hoodie and black high top converses. "bye" I said.

✖️Jack J POV✖️

It's 6:30pm and Jaxx isn't back and a flash back came to me about her stepfather and I told the guys what was going on and trevor said "I gave her a necklace and in case of an emergency I put a gps in it here she is um down the street in the abandoned house!?!"."lets go get her but let's go walking so he don't here us" Gilinsky said and we all headed to the door. when we got there we all went towards Jaxx she is crying and came running to us but to Kian don't know why but ok. we headed home and O2L was ganna sleep over so I went up and Hayes followed her.

✖️Jaxx POV✖️

Hayes said "are you okay". "H-he r-rapped" but he cut me off by hugging me and said "its ok baby we are ganna get threw this together"."Hayes i don't um want to date anyone right now" I said and he pull apart from the hug. "But is it something I did" he said crying. "no you are perfect but I don't want anyone right now maybe later but not now". I said "ok I'll wait for you".he said and I left the room. "Hey girl everything fine" Cameron said. "Yeah I mean what could be wrong" I said sarcastically and went in to the living room. When I got to the living room Everyone was piled up in one couch when there was 2 so I sat in the empty one. I pulled out my phone and got a message from a lot of different girls.
I hope you kill yourself. A random girl said but i just pushed it away but I got to one that I couldn't help to run up stairs with the guys following me and gilinsky said "guys look" and got my phone and a message said. The guys are using you just kill yourself to get it over with just do it. "We are not using you Jaxx we love you"
They all yelled at me and then I came out and pushed threw them and out the door I went but the I blacked out.

✖️Trevor POV✖

We were in the hospital because Jaxx got ran over by some guy.
When she woke up I asked the guys to get out so I could talk to her.
"Hey um what happened the other day sorry" she said. "it's fine I mean if i could I would take a bullet for you". I said. "I will tell you what I told Hayes I don't want to get in a relationship right now".she said. "I love you though". I said "and so do i" a voice came from the back of the from that belonged to Hayes. "Guys come on I don't like all this stress you want me to pick but you don't give me time to think". She said. "Fine but remember I have loved you since the start" I heard Hayes say.

✖️Jaxx POV✖️

I was finally home from the hospital and like always it was noisy but I heard he door open reveling Matt. "Hey can we talk" he said "yeah sure why not". I responded and he sat on my bed. "Don't let Trevor and Hayes get to your head just follow your heart" and suddenly I knew that he was right they are pressuring me and not letting me think."your right Matt but I know who I want to be with but I'm afraid the other one is ganna hate me forever but I love them both" I said crying in his chest. "Girl they won't I know them both they won't". He said "I'll talk to them tomorrow". I said "who are you choosing" he said getting up and before I know it he says I love you".

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