chapter 2

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"Yes, I know. I look pretty today. So do you", I said to my daughter as I wore her clothes on her. She made baby noises and I smiled at her.

I came back from work very late yesterday and didn't have much sleep when Hope woke me up in the middle of the night with her cries. Her temperature was boiling but I couldn't go out in the cold midnight and neither did I have any money that could afford for treatment.

At first, I just wanted to sit there and watch her cry until she had enough and kept quiet but I decided against it. I wasn't a bad mother.

This morning, she was quiet enough for me to get the both of us ready. She was the only one that could use the warm water I boiled at the nearby gas station.

"Are you hungry, sweetie?", I asked her. She looked at me with her big doe eyes and her lower lip formed a pout.

Yup, she's hungry alright.

After breastfeeding her and burping her, she fell asleep. Today, I was going to buy a few medicines from the chemist. I grabbed my wallet and took a few dollars before walking out.

The cold morning breeze hit my face causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. I was allergic to very cold and dusty areas. It was very hard for me while I was pregnant.

Memories of my painful pregnancy resurfaced and I had to push it away so I wouldn't break down on the road. The past is in the past. All that matters is now and the future.

I got into the city and began to look for the chemist shop I discovered a few days ago. I found it and thankfully, it was open. I walked in and approached the counter.

There was an aged man seating there reading a newspaper. "Good morning", I greeted making him look up. "Good morning, sweetheart. What are you doing here on a school day?", he asked with concern. That question usually made me wince internally.

This isn't the city where I lived with my parents and I was thankful no one knew me.

"I'm babysitting my sister", I said with a smile. I didn't like lying but sometimes, I just had to. He nodded in understanding. "What brings you here?", he asked. "My baby sister is going through some pain I can't describe", I said. "I'm listening", he urged me to continue.

I explained the situation and he nodded before administering some liquid drugs to me. Fortunately, they were affordable. I thanked the man after buying them and walked out.

I haven't even taken three steps when someone slammed into me causing me to fall. I felt dizzy as I stood up. Before I could register what was going on, the person dropped something in the pocket of my jacket before walking away.

I only managed to catch a glimpse of his half shaven hair and tattoo on his neck.

Черная мамба

I frowned as I realized it was Russian but I couldn't translate it. I rolled my eyes and dipped my hand in my pocket to bring out what he dropped. A beautiful ruby pendant that had 'C&D' engraved on it.

I sighed and continued my walk home.

Hope was still asleep and I was tired too. I hadn't eaten all morning. It's not like I always do. I only eat once a day. Some days, I don't even eat. If the money would be enough, I'd buy more diapers and baby things for Hope. Yes, I am a very selfless mother.

I fell asleep and woke up late in the afternoon. My stomach grumbled but I was too tired to get off the mattress. I turned to see Hope laying down looking at the wooden ceiling.

I sat up straight and her eyes mat mine. "Hope", I said and she gurgled. She then placed her thumb in her finger. She's hungry.

"I think I said no thumb sucking", I said as I carried her. My body ached but I still managed to breastfeed her. Maybe I need food. I gave her the medicines I bought for her abd she soon fell asleep.

I removed the pendant from my pocket and dropped it on the coffee table before walking out. The sun was out and I relished the warmth on my skin. I didn't need tanning because I was brown skinned but I needed the warmth.

As I got into the city, I noticed that someone was following me. Not someone, people.

My heartbeat raced as I tried to calculate my steps. I stopped in front of the diner and turned around to see busy people walking down the walkway.

I narrowed my eyes abd walked into the diner. There were a few people seated there either on dates or just chilling.

I walked to the counter and ordered a bottle of milk with a bottle of water and a sandwich. I paid the catch, grabbed my order and walked out of the diner.

I still felt the presence following me and it made me sick. I was about leaving the entrance of the city when I grabbed my arm and my mouth was covered so I couldn't scream.

The cloth stinked and I knew a chemical was inside. I tried not to breathe but I eventually gave in. I struggled to get out of the person's grip but he was too strong. I hated how I felt helpless.

I was about to faint when I noticed two other people approaching me. I headbutted the person holding me causing his grip to loosen. I slipped off his grip and ran the other way.

The three of them chased be until black dots spotted my vision.

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