chapter 7

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I went back to my room with pure embarrassment swimming inside me. Ariana came back to my room with Hope in her arms and I thanked her.

She also told me that she would bring a dress for me to wear to dinner. I didn't know why people had to dress up for dinner but I didn't complain.

I got out of the shower and went to mirror to check my features. I can't remember the last time I looked in the mirror. My muddy brown eyes were bright but lifeless. My eyes fell in my frail body. At least my curves were still there, but I could still see my ribs.

Feeling ashamed of my body, I grabbed a towel from the rack and covered my body. I got out of the bathroom and let out shriek when I saw Nicolàs standing in the middle of my room holding Hope in his arms.

"What are you doing here?", I asked as I tried to calm my breaths. He looked at me and I nearly fainted when his eyes roamed my body. Praise to the small white towel for covering enough skin. Note the sarcasm.

"I was passing by when I heard your daughter crying", he said and I silently cursed. Damn it, I was too disappointed in myself to notice my daughter's distress.

I looked to see Hope snuggled up in his arms. She was playing with the collar of his shirt happily. Nice to know she's made a new friend.

"Thank you for aiding her", I said as I walked towards them. Hope babbled happily as she saw me and wiggled her hands. I smiled and kissed her cheeks, "Hey, baby girl". "She has a very warm temperature", Nico said and I nodded.

I looked up at him to see him staring at me. I blushed as I realized how wet my body was. The light was literally making my skin glow and the towel didn't cover enough cleavage. Not to mention how God blessed me abundantly in every area.

I cleared my throat, "I'm going to change". I quickly turned around and walked to the walk in closet.


I watched the girl walk into the closet and I nearly choked on my spit. I've never really been into black girls because I rarely saw them but she was making me consider it.

The way her large hips swayed from side to side without her knowing made me want to take her then and there. She doesn't even look like she ever got pregnant.

A tug on my collar made me look down to see the little pumpkin in my arms. No matter how vicious or heartless I was, I've always had a soft spot for babies. Hope was one of the cutest and most adorable child I've ever seen.

I even used the word 'adorable'.

The closet opened and I looked up to see Nifemi walking out with a pair of jeans shorts and a white crop top. Those pieces of clothing did no justice to her raw curves. I've never seen a girl so thick like her.

That's funny cause I'm always into slim and tall.

"Thank you for holding her. Sorry for the wait", she said as she walked over to me and I handed her Hope. The baby whined as I let her go and I smiled. "You'll see him later", she said to her as she rolled her eyes.

"I'll see you at dinner", I said and walked out. I think I need a shower or maybe I need to torture someone.


"You look beautiful", Ariana said as I walked out of the bathroom. "You think so?", I asked as I examined the clothing on my body. I was wearing a red sundress that stopped exactly above my knees. It wasn't a body hug, which I was grateful for.

"I know so", she said smiling as she gently placed a small woolen blanket over Hope. "We should go shopping for a few things tomorrow", she said. "I'll need to ask Nico so he won't flip", I said and she snorted. I slipped on a pair of black flats that she gave me and braided my hair. "Wish me luck", I said and she gave me a thumbs up before I walked out.

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