Beauxbatons / Les Olympiades

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The splendid school was a historic rococo castle extended with many structures. It was all colored in white, blue and grey. In font of the main doors, a very tall woman was waiting for us.
The headmaster and I walked towards her
She was impressive and genteel. She greeted us and we shook hands.

"Bonjour Albus ! Did you travel safely ?
Isabella Green, I presume ? Enchanté* !"
(*Nice to meet you)

As Dumbledore already knew the place, I was taken by a bunch of students to visit.

"Hi my name is Ben Bellamy, we are all pleased to meet you. Come with us to take a look around." One boy said.

He had black curly hair, black eyes and seemed to be two years older than me. He spoke perfectly english as he explained that his father was British.
It was the same for all of them, being half english or american.
There were also Augustine, Jean-Baptiste, a younger girl was called Gabrielle, her older sister was Fleur, with golden hair, and a tall brown skinned girl was named Cibèle Peltier. When i heard this name I immediately recognised the quidditch seeker ! She was the star of the french national team ! It was such a surprise and a honor to meet her !
They were all so charismatic !

They led the way to enter. The inside was even more refine ! The walls and ceilings were delicately decorated of gold and white arabesques, with paintings and statues.

"The school was reorganized last decade because we are not separated in houses anymore, like you are at Hogwarts." Explained Fleur.

"There were 3 groups, but we now are arranged in dormitory by ages". Added Gabrielle.

I was surprised to see that none of them wore the famous blue uniform.
When I asked, they answered that it was summer holidays here too. Half of the students traveled to attend Les Olympiades games and awards ceremony. I realised there were parents and younger siblings too, to supports their family members. And they all had nice suits and dresses. All in fresh pastel colors and fancy fabrics. A casual elegance applied at all time, obviously. Me, I was wearing a light blue shirt under a pinafore black dress and new flat shoes. It was a modest set to honour their official color and be humble. I quite fit in well.

The events took place mostly in gardens.
When we went there, a lot of people of all ages were reunited on the two sides, and in the middle some competitors where faced.
Our small group dispersed in the public so we could freely watch the performances.

Fencing was happening when we arrived. Then, archery took place and later gymnastic.
I missed the quidditch match that happened some days earlier.
The last performances were planned on evening time.

I could already witness the polite and charming attitude from everyone... During competitions, fairplay and courtesy was not the main behaviour in England.

At dinner, the last performances was ice-skating. A magical frozen ground was made in the great hall with beautiful tables and chairs circled around.
We enjoyed the poetic show under softened lights and could eat french amuse-bouches (appetisers) from a long buffet.

The awards ceremony took place right after the last contestants.
Headmistress, Mrs Maxime, annouced the gold medals one by one.

"Congratulations to each of you who chose to compete on their respective sports. We love to see your progress years after years. I hope your talents and motivations could take you far".

Augustine took the role of translator for me. She was some years older and nice like a big sister, we got along.
I supposed Dumbledore, who was seated with the other teachers, had some translating spell to whisper in his ear.

For each name, an athlete stood up, walked on the podium to receive their medal and the crowd applauded warmly.

Then, all the competitors were also listed and congratulated.
The ice ground was magically melted to clear the center of the hall, so many students and adults took place and started to waltz.
Not ready to give it a try, i discretely escaped in direction of a balcony.

I leant to the palisade and enjoyed the view of the french style garden, the fresh air and the distant music.
After a moment, a young man joined. It was Ben.
He half seated on the border and lit up a cigarette.

"Don't be fooled by all the glamour." He started.
After a puff of smoke he finished : "We're not perfect. It's just masks."

"Masks ?"

"Yeah, france is like that, all snob in looks, but people are just depressed, stressed or joyfull just like everywhere else. The biggest sport here is attitude." He explained.

"It's reassuring. But you all seem and act as real gentlemen and ladies. It makes me feel small." I honestly said.

"Oh don't worry, you're just as princess as every girl here, really."

I clicked at the word 'princess'. I got a smile but didn't believe him.
Another boy arrived then.

"Tomorrow you should hang out with us. It will be free day until evening event." Joined Jean-Baptiste.

A bit later, I decided to follow Gabrielle to the dormitory, to get rest.
A bed was waiting for me in the same area, with my belongings.
The rooms were as elaborated as the rest of the castle : sky blue and white
colors, canopy beds, velvet armchairs, golden framed mirrors, sheer curtains...

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