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Tae watched from the corner of the bookshelf that acted as a wall as Choi paced up and down in the lounge area, practicing his presentation.

She had been in tremendous pain until sleep overtook her and when she woke up, she found a now luke warm pouch under her shirt. It had helped her greatly and only Choi could have put it there.

Now she was awake and she found it adorable as he walked up and down and between the table and white couches, saying things over and over again. To Tae, it was the effort that counted but Choi was worse than ever, no matter what he did.

"I see you're really trying," she called out, making him stop and stare at her. She smiled.

"Am I getting any better?"

She shook her head. "Unfortunately not. I know you don't want to hear this but we are going to have to find someone to present this on your behalf-"

"You'd be perfect-"

"Not me. I am on the shareholder's seats and I therefore cannot present the idea. But don't worry, we'll find someone."

Choi nodded. He had accepted that he was just going to jinx the product if he presented. "How are you feeling?"

"Well, the trash bag was really noisy whenever I turned but it did a great job because I absolutely blotted myself in my sleep. So I took the liberty to wash your towel and my pants as well as go through your wardrobe to get these briefs." She gestured at the boxer shorts she currently had on.

Choi didn't know what to say so he just nodded. "The food arrived while you were asleep." He went to the kitchenette and brought a warm bowl of dumplings and soup with pork pieces and some herbs. "I warmed it up because I was planning to eat your food if you didn't wake up in the next ten minutes."

Tae greedily rubbed her hands together and grabbed the bowl. She ate like her life depended on it and looked outside. It was dark. She was leaving as soon as she was done eating.

When she finished, she grinned. "Thank you for taking care of me, Oppa (older brother)," she said in a high pitched voice.

Choi laughed, even though his heart swelled with happiness. "You are troublesome when you are sick."

"That's why I got sick at your house. You know how to really take care of a patient." She got up. "I should leave. Its really late."

He nodded and stood up, going to his bedroom to grab a jacket for both him and Tae before they walked out to his car.   He opened the door for her like the new gentleman he was and then drove off a while later.


Before she could touch the door as he dropped her off, he decided to take the gentleman's act further and rushed out to get the door for her.

She laughed, stepping out into the cold with her briefs and sleepers. Yes. They were hers now, not Choi's anymore.  "Simp much?" she chuckled.

"Simp?" he asked. He could not understand.

"You know, when a guy tries really hard to get a girl's attention. Sometimes he embarrasses himself."

"Sappy. Yeah. I haven't embarrassed myself yet." He looked down at her 5 8" frame, slightly taller than her. Her hair was once again in its natural state and it always amazed him how she changed hairstyles just like that.

"You like my hair?" she asked. He was always staring at it whenever she didn't have a wig on.

"Can I touch? Please?" he asked. It looked so fluffy.

She leaned down and his hand closed over a tuft. He grinned like a child. The hair was so soft and it smelled really good and fruity. He let go and closed his hand so that the scent of her hair products would stay on his palm.

"I like it very much. Its like clouds, if clouds could be touched."

She smiled and his heart melted. For a moment, they just stood in front of her dark house, under the light of a street lamp, staring at each other.

Choi saw the chance and he took it.

He leaned down towards her, slowly, to give her the chance to step back or pull away if she was uncomfortable but she only brought her face closer to his. His lips pressed softly against hers and before Choi knew what he was doing, he had her pressed against the side of his car, kissing down her jaw then her neck.

He could feel the blood rushing to his manhood and he pressed into her groin, earning a soft moan that sounded like music to his ears. He attacked her lips with feverous kisses, sending delicious pulses straight to her intimate bits. She became filled with a need and put her arms around his neck as he grabbed her thigh and lifted it for her to wrap her leg around him as he pushed his erect length harder into her pulsing heat. The clothes between them were a nuisance and they made Choi frustrated.

He breathed in deeply, breaking the kiss and staring at the panting woman before him. Every breath he released trembled and he could see it misting right before his very eyes in the cold and crisp night air.

Tae stared silently back at him, breathing heavily and very much feeling his cold hands resting on her warm back. She was rather shocked that at this very moment, all she wanted was to feel Choi buried inside her. She felt a little embarrassed at the thought.

As if reading her thoughts, his fingers dug into the thighof the leg that was still wrapped around him. "Invite me in," he breathed, his lips grazing the edge of her jaw.

She trembled, shaking from the shivers that ran down from the point of contact of his lips, straight down to her core. She was in trouble.

"I'm on my period," she whispered in a trembling voice as Choi bit her slightly in the neck, sucking on her skin before pulling back to admire the bruise that was forming there.

He looked at her. "I know."

She stared in shock at him, lowering her leg to be steady on her feet. Did he just...? Oh, yes, he just did! But they were moving a bit too fast and she had never had sex on her period.

"Maybe next time," she said, stepping away from him before she lost her resolve.

Choi nodded. "Maybe next time." He gave her a small smile. "Go on then. I have to make sure you're safe. Flash your porch light twice to let me know that you're ok once you're inside."

She nodded.

He placed a chaste kiss on her lips before waving goodbye as she walked down to her door. She turned to look at him and waved before letting herself in and locking the door. She flashed the porch light twice.

Satisfied, Choi got into his car and drove off, turning on the British radio he liked to stream.

"And now..." the radio presenter said. "We have coming all the way from Africa, Davido ft Focalistic, Champion Sound!"

The deep beat came on and suddenly hyped, with a stupid grin on his face, Choi turned the volume up. He had never heard the song before but it felt like just the right vibe. 

He kept touching his lips with a blush, exclaiming to himself now and then.

Meanwhile, Tae sat behind her door, her face in her hands as she stared at the floor between her legs with wide eyes.

What. The. Heck, she thought. What did I just do?

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