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This takes place after Trials of Apollo, but JASON DOES NOT DIE! I can't have my favorite cousin die people!!!! I will sometimes do a character's POV but at the same time, it will just be the same style as the Heroes of Olympus series. ENJOY OR I WILL SET NICO ON YOU Some of the chapters are short so there will be two chapters in each if that's ok!

I do not own Percy Jackson

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  Leo wiped the soot of his face as he worked in Bunker 9's forges. After the whole 'incident' of Percy and Annabeth's break up, he tended to go down and work to get the picture of Annabeth's angry face yelling at Percy's heartbroken one out of his head. Everyone knew that it was not Percy's fault. He never lied, and when he said that Annabeth had broken up with him just because he had told her a secret that was weighing him down, the whole camp had been furious, the seven and Nico most of all. Now, Annabeth kept doing sly things to hurt Percy even more, but Leo knew that he wouldn't let Percy fall down the dark, depressed path. 

  He sighed. The wing he had been repairing for Festus was almost finished, but he wasn't in the mood to do so right now. He went outside and was just sitting at the foot of one of the trees in the forest when he heard footsteps approaching. Percy sat down next to him and Leo waited for him to say something. "Leo?" "Yeah Perce?" "I.. I heard about what happened to your mum," Leo froze. He turned towards Percy, who looked at him with an understanding face. "I know how it is to lose someone dear and have everyone pity you all the time. I won't treat you like glass will break but I want you to know that I am here for you bro," Leo was glad that Percy understood. He blinked the tears out of his eyes. Percy, noticing this, smoothly changed the subject. "Do you want to come to my place for Christmas?" Leo stared. Then he realized that today was December 23ʳᵈ. "OK!" he said. He was pleased. Now he actually had a place to go to, he didn't have to stay for Christmas at camp on his own. Before he knew it, Percy had dragged him to his cabin to pack.

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Leo stood to the side, fidgeting nervously with the hem of his shirt as he and Percy walked upt to the apartment door. What should he do? What was he meant to say? The door opened, revealing, a kindly looking woman. She had a handful of grey hairs weaving into the shiny brown straight locks, but overall, looked like a smiling young woman. Leo like her immediately. "Percy!" she said, hugging him softly. "Welcome back," "Hey mom," Percy said hugging her back, "Hope you don't mind, but i brought Leo over for Christmas," "The boy who sacrificed himself to save us?" she asked. Percy nodded. Sally turned to me, eyes bright. Next thing he knew, she was hugging him and saying how brave he was over and over again. "Hey Perce," A man came out while Leo was telling Sally he was ok and that no, there were no side effects. "Hey Paul," Percy said. After he was introduced, we went inside for some of Sally's Famous Blue Cookies.

A/N- HOPE U GUYS LIKE IT! PLS COMMENT! Next up is a surprise! This story will have very slow updates, so just stick with me!

yours in demigodishness

Kion Jackson

Peace out✌

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