Puro's Pov: Drawing!

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I get to teach Lin how to draw~

The two of us sit side by side on the carpeted floor, papers and pens sprawled out in front of us.

Lin looks up at me and asks "So where do we start?"

I grin and answer while grabbing a blank sheet "Well let's start with something basic! Hmm…what about we draw an orange! Just follow what I do lin."

Making sure he can see what I'm doing I bring the tip of the pen to the paper slowly running it across the surface. Alright…don't mess this up, Puro. Picturing the fruit in my mind I slowly draw it. It only takes a few moments for it to be created.

"See Lin! Just like this."

He stares at the page and blurts out "No offense Puro but there is no way I can draw that."

"Don't be like that. Just give it a try. You never know! You might have a hidden talent!"

He sighs and mumbles "If you think so."

Lin leans down and carefully tries to copy the orange I drew. He eyes the paper every so often trying to figure out the exact way to draw the lines. His paws are a little shaky but the effort is what counts!

Lin straightens and allows me to look at what he's done. It's a little rough but I can easily tell what it is. It looks pretty good! Apparently, Lin doesn't feel the same though….Disappointment is ever so present in his usually bright eyes.

"Puro thinks it looks very nice! For someone who has slept 5 years you can draw pretty well." I can't help but crack a grin hearing myself.

Lin lets out a chuckle and shoots back "I learned from the best."

"The best!? You give me too much credit…"

Hehehe so flattering.

I grab the two of our drawings and begin a pile with the newly created artwork. I want to keep every last piece. Maybe I can even hang them everywhere! Just like my old home….ah…I miss it. What do humans describe this feeling as?

"Lin? What is the word for when you feel some sort of yearning for your home?"

He replies blankly "Homesick. Why do you ask?"

"Well, Puro thinks he might be homesick. Even if I was lonely the cushion was comfy to sleep on. Plus all my drawings are still there. It's strange being thrown into such an unfamiliar environment like this. Ah sorry, I'm rambling aren't I?"

Why am I complaining? Lin had to deal with the same situation….I'll get over it.

He shakes his head and assures "It's fine. I understand the feeling Puro. Well sort of. Since I've woken up from the tower I've never really had anything to miss. Now that we are out of it it's never struck me that you might miss your old den…..hey I have an idea to help Puro."

"Really?" My ears perk naturally, waiting to hear the solution to the little ache in my heart.

He explains further "We could try and recreate the posters you made. If you're up to it….we can even explore outside for today. We'll try to find some stuff for our room."

"You're right! That might help Lin. Are you sure you want to leave this motel for today though? We already went out yesterday plus…..I know you don't like being around the ruins."

Lin nods and answers "Yes I'm sure Puro. If it helps you feel better then I'll do it."

My heart does a little flutter. He's so thoughtful towards me. I can't help but smile at it. With a show of appreciation, I pull Lin close and give him a gentle hug. The white wolf's eyes widen but he quickly warms up to it wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

One in the same! (Puro x Lin)Where stories live. Discover now