Puro's Pov: Heart.

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I can't believe I left him there. 


"Human? Are you afraid of sitting with me?"

The human looks back up at me with a soft gaze. Despite his silence, he doesn't move from the beanbag.

A human not afraid of a monster like me? He knows about my old plan! He knows I've thought about transfuring him. Why isn't he scared?

Does he really trust Puro?

My throat tightens at the memory. I let out a quiet sob into a pillow as tears continuously flow down my mask. No matter how hard I cling to the pillow it's not Lin. 

Will I ever get to hold him again? Our relationship…could it ever be the same?

That thought hurts so bad that I pull myself out of the sheets and stare out the window refusing to think any further. My eyes burn as I try to slow down by breathing. The rain hasn't let up. It's gotten harder as time passed. Lighting, thunder. It's all so loud and irritating.

A part of me wishes I could just slip into a vent back to my old home. Like I always used to do. Something familiar. Not…this empty hollow feeling. I hate it. 

I roll over looking towards the door of my dimly illuminated room. My drawings can barely be made out through the darkness. Despite it being night A soft white light shines underneath the crack of the door. 

Someone must've left a lantern in the hallway…

As I'm fixated on the light my mind continues to race.

How long has it been since I stormed out of the date? Lin must be practically panicking and I left him! 

Overwhelmed with emotions I can't shake an ever-growing ache in my heart. Full of hesitation I sink back into the bed crying. I'd do more harm going out. 

I just want Lin back….

The thought repeats in my head over and over until I can't stand to sit still anymore.

Stay or go? Either choice may hurt someone. Lin has a right not to forgive me. To never even look at me again.

My eyes widen as I see the light from underneath the door suddenly disappears. 

Someone's out there.


I jump a little hearing his voice through the door.

Lin sounds so worried! I…

My throat tightens.

No. No no, I can't answer him right now. He can't see me like this. Maybe he'll just think I'm asleep. 

He doesn't let up despite my refusal to answer.

"Puro…I know…I messed up just please. I need to know if you're at least ok."

Lin's voice wavers but I can tell he's trying to stay strong for me. That fact alone makes it worse all the same. I rise from the mattress trying to stay as quiet as possible. Tears threaten to burst from my eyes any second now but I refuse to be weak. 

He already feels bad enough he can't hear me cry. 

Slowly I make my way towards his voice and as I reach to open the door I hesitate.

One in the same! (Puro x Lin)Where stories live. Discover now