Hanging onto threads

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I stare at the bunny with a horrified expression. Swallowing a lump in my throat. The blond is wearing pajamas.. meaning he slept here.

"Can I help you?" The man in front of me asked with a chirpy tone, tilting his head to the side with a smile.


Venti stood in front of the door with his jaw dropped. "Y-You what-" Aether looked down at the perfectly clean and shiny bunny stuffed animal in his arms.

"Oh? This? Why it's a gift my boyfriend gave to me." Aether coughed, "I apologize my voice is quite hoarse, Xiao was just too big for me to take. My throat suffered the consequences." Venti was anxiously staring at the blond. "I'm going to.. go," Venti muttered, turning around, quickly Aether grabbed his shoulder.

"You should pick a flower from the garden, it'd look good on your hat," Aether whispered mysteriously, Venti shook his head. "I-I'm okay," The musician slowly backed away. Almost tripping over a crack on the tile.

Venti decked to his car, leaving the home. Aether leaned his head against the doorway. "I wished he would've taken a flower." Aether hummed, slipping back into the house and closing the door behind him.

~Xiao POV~

I awoke sluggishly, sitting up and looking around slowly. Laid in my silk sheets, with a small smile on my lips. "I can't believe Aether was in my dreams." I chuckled to myself, clutching the bedsheet in a balled fist.

"You're too hot," A sudden voice softly spoke and I shot up. "AETHER?!" I exclaimed, almost falling out of bed. The blond was in the doorway of my bedroom.

I relaxed at seeing him, scooting to the side and patting the bed. "Ae come here, oh and how did I get here? Wasn't I with Venti?"

"Venti dropped you off saying you fainted mid-conversation," Aether explained, walking over to the bed and crawling under the blanket with me.
I welcomed him with open arms, not to mention Aether was incredibly warm.

I melted in Aether's embrace, the blond set the bunny on top of the pillows. He began to run his fingers through my hair and I laid my head against Aether's tummy. "Warm," I murmured, feeling Aether's arms wrap around my neck.

"You smell of flowers," I whispered, Ae did not comment, instead continuing to soothingly stroke my hair. Why does he make me feel like I'm fluttering? Not to mention he seems unfazed by the bunny.

"You like the bunny Ae? It reminded me of you."

The blond remained quiet, he then held the tip of my chin and forced me to meet eyes with him. "It's nostalgic," Aether whispered, moving his head towards mine. I quickly adjusted so we were both right next to each other.

"I love you," I whispered, I watched him give me a light peck on the lips. It felt even warmer, I could've started crying. "I love you too," his whisper echoed throughout the room.

I shut my eyes and let him leave ghost touches along my body. My eyelids felt incredibly heavy, "Aether.."
I called out, only to hear soft shushes. I felt as if I were laying in a soft patch of grass, with the sun warming me all over.

It felt good, I thirsted for me, yet I couldn't find the words to ask Aether to stay with me forever. Perhaps that's a good thing, he wouldn't want me anyway.

Perhaps we can stay like this for a while...

The next morning I awoke to me shedding a tear. I couldn't hold back the quiet sobs that were released. I didn't know why I was crying, only that I was. I felt like I was going to die.

Though Aether was there to quiet my worried mind. Suddenly I felt a lot better...

I went back to the bunny shop today to find it closed. Which left me in much disappointment, hoping to see Lumine again was nothing more than a figment of my imagination.

I spent the day with Aether, we watched a scary movie which made him jump at every scare. As well as disappear behind the couch when a monster came.

"Bunny, come here stop hiding," I stated firmly, the blond sheepishly peeked from behind the couch. Walking over to the couch and settled down.

"Hmmph." He grunted with a frown, I wished to have bitten his cheeks. They're so plump and pink.

It's the next day, and Xingqiu is yet to call me. Though Yanfei does, asking me out to lunch. I had to take a rain check due to the fact Aether was distraught that my pink shirt and his white bunny ended up being washed together.

Took me forever to get the color out.

The next day
I asked Aether when was his birthday, he told me he didn't care nor celebrated the day. The only date of any significance was March 20th. How fun that's in a couple of days.

The day after.. how long has it been? I can't count anymore. It's March 17, honestly, I'm quite tired, my eyes feel incredibly heavy. The day was spent with me in bed and Aether cooking up some delicious soups.

He also placed the bunny in my lap, saying it'll protect me when he can't. We haven't named the bunny at all. "Hey Ae, what is its name?" I ask the blond who's busy spoon-feeding me soup and rice.

Aether furrows his brows and puts on an expression that I assume is him being lost in thought. "We should name it uh... Bun-bun!" Aether said cheerfully, I interrupted his short celebration.

"Ae, I love the name but I already call you Bun Bun." Aether furrowed his brows once again, letting his chin rest on his first. "Maybe.. perhaps... Eggy." A look of surprise takes over my face as Aether chuckles.

"Come on now, you think I didn't hear your murmurs of you saying I look like an omelette.. and or egg." I start to wave my hands, "Egg?! What egg? No egg!"

The blond smiles sweetly and sits on the edge of the bed. Watching me with his beaded yellow eyes. He then looks down at the bowl in his hands. "Do you think you have a cold?" Aether asked at the bottom of his throat as if coming out as sore.

"Ae, I'll be fine. Do not worry.. I've been feeling super tired lately anyway." Aether looked distraught at the news, his lip began to quiver. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the wall. "Aether, you don't have to worry, as soon as I get a little rest, I'll be right as rain." I can't describe the feeling weighing heavy on my heart.

Watching Aether look so sad, even with my eyes closed I remember the image vividly. "Rest Xiao, I'm going to, go see someone," Aether said, I felt his hand come up and caress my face.

I love you Aether.

Lumine POV:

I was wiping down the windows in the shop when I heard the ding of a bell. It rang once, then twice, then a third time. I glanced at the clock, then to the front entrance.

No one was there, but a note slipped under the door. I quickly walked over and grabbed it, it read, "3/20" I sighed of relief.  "You remembered.." I whisper to the paper, happy early birthday brother. Spots of water appear on the paper, I let out a laugh, seems the bunny has finally been set back on his path.

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