Chapter 84 - Leading Lady

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After we woke up the twins, it was time for me to get on my flight and head to Gold Summit. Hunter had gone over exactly what deals I was allowed to make with their Alpha and how to go about the whole trading issue multiple times, so I felt pretty prepared.

As soon as I got on the plane I felt a pit of nervousness enter my stomach. Being away from him - away from my babies was something necessary but not fun for me. It was only until tomorrow, but still.

The flight wasn't super long, but I was able to get in a little nap on the way. When I woke up I looked out the window of the jet and saw we were passing over the Autumn river.

It was absolutely beautiful. Rushing water passing over large rocks in the river, greenery everywhere. The trees were so tall and there were large fields of yellow flowers that appeared just as dots from this height.

The jet landed on the runway and bounced me up out of my chair just a bit; I was here.

I thanked the pilot and got off to be greeted by a tall man with shaggy brown hair and piercing blue eyes.

He seemed to hold some sort of power, but I knew it wasn't Alpha Reed. His eyes lingered on me for a moment before I was close enough for him to shake my hand.

"Luna, I'm glad you arrived safely. I'm Gold Summit's Beta. My name is Holden." he flashed his white canines at me.

"Pleasure to meet you, Holden." I smiled back.

"How was your flight?" he asked me, guiding me to a nice black car with his hand touching my back ever so slightly.

If Hunter was here right now he would flip at just the fingertips this man was touching me with.

But Hunter wasn't here, and I knew Holden meant no harm, so I let it slide for now.

"It was good, thanks. So when should I expect to meet with your Alpha?" I asked him as he held the car door open for me to get in.

He got in the car next to me and closed the door, the driver speeding off onto the highway.

Holden let out a sigh.

"This is going to sound cryptic, but there's a bit of information you aren't aware of yet. Not just you, everyone. My Luna is waiting at the pack house right now, so I'll have her explain everything when we arrive. But let me tell you, it's probably a very good thing you came alone." he told me.

I raised an eyebrow. What the hell was this guy even talking about?

"Alright... I'll take your word for it." I shrugged, accepting that I'd figure out what was going on here soon enough. For now, I gazed out the window at this amazing new place.

I'd never seen such open land, it was quite refreshing. And the air smelled so good here.

"Well, here we are." Holden said as we approached the driveway of a tall brick house. It was really big, but still had a cozy vibe. It looked really nice.

He held the car door open for me and offered me his hand, but I smiled politely and shook my head, trying to be respectful of my mate even though he wasn't here.

Holden nodded to show he understood, but still held the front door for me as well as we made our way inside the house. It smelled like toasted marshmallows, and the inside was like a cabin in the woods, but much more lavish.

Waiting on a brown fluffy couch was a tall and stunning woman, with dark red-tinted hair that barely reached past her shoulders. She was pale and her face was scattered with freckles, complimenting her hazel eyes.

"Luna Alaura, may I introduce you to Luna Penelope of White Fang." Holden told her as she stood up and gave me a smile, reaching out her hand for me to shake.

"It's lovely to meet you, Penelope." she put her other hand on top of mine and shook it like she'd been waiting to meet me forever.

I assumed since we were both Lunas we could address each other without our titles while still maintaining respect.

"The pleasure is all mine," I gave her a soft grin.

"Please, have a seat. We have much to discuss." she gestured to the couch across from her.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Holden offered. Tea sounded amazing. Especially in this setting. I nodded and he brought back two cups, handing them to us before Alaura dismissed him and we were left alone.

"Did your flight go okay?" she asked me, seeming to want to make small talk. I was alright with it.

"It was fine, thanks for asking. Your pack isn't too far of a ways, fortunately." I smiled.

"Oh, good. Well thank you for coming in place of your Alpha. I think it's going to be better this way." she sighed and I felt myself give a confused expression.

Was this the meeting? I was under the impression I'd be meeting with their Alpha, but maybe he was busy like Hunter.

"Before we discuss what you came here for, there's something you need to know about." she told me, and I felt the pit of nervousness return to my stomach. What on Earth was going on with these people? Why were they so mysterious?

She sighed and stood up, gesturing for me to follow her. As she led me down a long hall, she began explaining.

"I ask that this stays between us, simply because if anyone else knew, my pack would be endangered." she told me.

"I understand you have obligations to your mate to report back what we discuss here, but if you have the kindness in your heart, it would be much better to leave this detail out." she continued walking and I raised my eyebrow as I followed her.

"I'm listening." I nodded, yearning for her to get to the point.

"I'm sure you expected to come here and meet with Alpha Reed. But unfortunately, that won't be happening." she told me before stopping at a large wooden door at the end of the hall.

"I don't quite follow, Alaura..." I scratched my arm, this entire situation weirding me out.

"You see," she opened the door.

"My mate is sick." she sighed.

In the room was a large bed. And on the bed, was Alpha Reed, hooked up to an IV and a heart monitor, propped up against many fluffy white pillows. He was sleeping, and he appeared so weak it was hard to look at him, quite honestly.

"He's not going to get better. He is dying, and the only ones who know this are me, Holden, our Gamma, and now.. you." she told me.


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