Chapter 26 - Conflicting Feelings

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Everything was perfect.

I did feel bad marking her again unnecessarily, but I knew it would be best for both of us in the long run.

She would experience all of the same emotions from when I first marked her, but even more intensely the second time around. She'd be dependent on me and submissive to me, not to mention even more sex-driven.

And obviously, tomorrow at the ceremony she'd be unmistakably spoken for. And that would take stress off of me so I could give more attention to her. This was better for everyone.

While Penelope took her shower, I changed into something I could sleep in, then lied in bed and texted James to see how everything was going.

He explained a couple of issues he'd come across and actually managed to solve, and it was nice to have even more stress taken off of me knowing my pack was in good hands back home.

The shower turned off and I felt my wolf get excited to see her in all of her clean, shiny glory. She was something else.

I'd always had my head turned by women before I met her, I experienced sexual desires. But I had no idea the intensity my attraction could reach when I found the right girl. I never got possessive of other women I'd slept with or briefly dated.

But I would slit the throat of any man who touched Penelope. I didn't even want them to think about my mate, let alone talk to her or lay a hand on her. I tried not to worry about it now, because the wound on her neck should make it clear she belongs to an Alpha.

Goddess forbid I'd have to kill one of her former pack members at their new-coming Alpha ceremony. That wouldn't go over well.

The bathroom door opened to reveal a glistening Penelope wrapped tightly in a towel that was much too short. I felt my cock stiffen at the sight of her, she was practically asking for another round.

"Mmm, I love the look of you in a towel." I grinned, and she turned back to look at me.

"Knock it off, Hunter. You just drained the life out of me, I need time to recharge." she said.

"Suit yourself, little mate." I shrugged and looked at her curves in the towel while I still could.


I had such conflicting feelings for him. I was so annoyed that he felt like it was just okay for him to bite over my mark again. But now that he had, I just wanted to be near him and please him.

But I told myself I couldn't let him do that to me, it was exactly what he wanted. So I dried my hair and changed as quickly as I could while Hunter's eyes lingered on me.

I pulled on a comfy t-shirt and a pair of panties and then got into bed. My childhood bed, soft and welcoming as ever. Or was that his body heat?

My wolf's emotions took over my own and I scooted closer to him in the bed so he could spoon me. His strong arms eagerly pulled me against him and I couldn't deny that I felt more love than hate for him in this moment.

The next morning I woke up, still held firmly against him while he slept beside me. Goddess, I loved him.

Wait, no! I was still mad at him.

But... I felt the mate bond pulling me closer to him, to what he wanted me to be. I imagined all of the possible rewards if I just did what he asked. And my wolf was urging me to go down that path.

But me, the real me, wasn't ready to give into him so easily. It was just an issue she was being pushed out of my mind to make room for my wolf ever since Hunter had bitten me yesterday.

I felt like I'd die if I went too long without him, and I didn't like it. I wanted to be independent.

What could I do, though? I couldn't stay focused on my own thinking for long enough to make any progress before I got distracted by his gorgeous face and bone structure.

He had so much power over me already, why did he have to give himself more?

I felt him pull me closer against him as he woke up, his warm lips kissing the side of my neck that wasn't bruised and scabbing.

"How's my beautiful mate this morning?" he purred, sending waves of excitement down my body.

"Exhausted." I huffed, not turning around to kiss him like I normally would. This prompted him to manually turn me to face him, his eyes examining my mark closely.

He looked satisfied as he ran his thumb over the tender wound, causing me to let out a little whine. His touch made my thoughts completely turn around, and I felt my affection for him increase by the second as he looked into my eyes.

Before I could stop myself, my lips crashed against his and his strong arms roamed down to feel my body as we kissed. I loved feeling his hardness press into me as he grabbed my ass.

He gently sucked on my bottom lip and I felt myself whimper out for him, his touch driving me even more crazy than usual.

What was I doing?

I pulled myself away and his tightening grip seemed to tell me he didn't like it. There was nothing I wanted more than to submit and receive all of his attention, but that's exactly what he wanted too.

"I'm gonna start getting ready." I said, pushing myself off of the bed to stand and stretch.

Then there was a knock on my door.

"It's Kayla, come get ready with Jade and I!" she shouted. She didn't have to ask me twice.

I grabbed my makeup and my dress and left Hunter lying in my bed, eyes watching me up until the very last second the door shut.

"Your neck," Kayla looked concerned.

"I know. He's very persistent." I rolled my eyes, and I saw a hint of sympathy in her eyes for me.

When we got downstairs to her guest room, Jade was brushing her hair in front of the mirror, she turned to me and I realized she now has a gash on her neck as well.

"Oooh, look at you!" I exclaimed and she smiled nervously, cheeks blushing pink.

"And you!" she pointed to my own wound.

"Someone had a good night," she winked at me. I chuckled. It was an odd night, if anything.

I curled Jade's hair because she always said I was better at it than if she'd done it on herself, then curled my own hair. All three of us probably spent a good hour on makeup afterwards, and then changed into our dresses.

"We're some hot bitches," Kayla scrunched her face playfully as we all looked in the huge mirror.

Then all that was left was the ceremony.

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