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You were on Vacation with Rebekah and Freya for the past 2 Weeks- you wanted to stay with them for another Week but you wanted to go home earlier to surprise your Boyfriend, Damon.

I came in with my Key so he wouldn't notice me already.
He wasn't in the living-room so eventually he was in his Bedroom.
I went up the Stairs and walked in his Room.
„surpri-" i said- but as soon I saw what was going on i immediately stopped talking.
"Y/n!" Damon shouted, "it's not what it looks like! Why are you here already?!" He asked while he was panicking.
I couldn't even look him in the Eyes, neither Elena.
I couldn't believe it, I thought she was my friend and now she's hooking up with MY boyfriend?!
And don't even get me started on Damon.
I was furious and ran out of the Room.
"Y/n!" Damon followed me downstairs.
"HOW COULD YOU?" I yelled at him.
"I wanted to surprise you by coming home earlier just to find you in Bed with someone who I thought was my friend?! Don't ever talk to me again!" I ran out of the House, my eyes filled with tears.
I felt angry, betrayed and extremely sad-
Damon and me had been together since 2 Years and I always thought he was loyal, guess I thought wrong.

I was in my Car, driving home to New Orleans.
I was living with the Mikaelsons but I kinda hoped they weren't there.
Rebekah and Freya were still on Vacation, Kol is at Davinas', Elijah is the Night out with Hayley and Klaus was probably in some Bar getting Food.
I just wanted to be alone.

It seemed like I was alone when I arrived.
I rushed upstairs in my Room and layed in Bed, as soon as I did I started crying my Eyes out.
I was so down that I didn't even noticed that Klaus came back.
When he heard me crying he immediately came upstairs.
"Yn! What happend, are you alright"
He sat down next to me and hugged me tightly.
"I-I was just at Damons'  to surprise him, just to find him in Bed with Elena." I cried.
"WHAT?! I'm going to kill him!"
"Nik, stop. Could you just stay a bit please?"
"Sure love."
Klaus was the best friend ever.
We layed in Bed and Klaus was hugging me from behind. And eventually I stopped crying.
I felt safe in Klaus' armes and for a few minutes I forgot about the whole Damon thing.
"By the way, We are going to be alone the next few days" Klaus whispered in my Ear.
"We don't need to tell the other about Damon if you don't want to"
"Thanks Nik."
I felt to comfortable with Klaus, nothing was embarrassing, and even tho and also very close with his Siblings, I didn't want everyone to know.
I'm happy that Klaus knows but I don't want to make a big thing out of it.
After a while I fell asleep, and Klaus did too.
I loved the way his armes felt around me.
Of course I've already thought about how it would be with him as my Boyfriend and I think I've always liked him as more than a friend, but I am so afraid to tell him.
If he wouldn't feel the same it would ruin our friendship and probably also my friendship with the other Mikaelsons- so it's better when everything stays just as it is...

I see you now- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now