Part 4- the Talk

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I Said
„Look yn, we've been together since 2 years, do you really want to throw all this away just because of one mistake? I am really sorry.
„Yea but this 'one mistake' ruined my trust to you, and I don't think I can ever trust you again."
„Give me a second chance, please!"
„I can't Damon, I'm sorry."
I went back inside.

„So? Are you Guys back together?" Klaus asked immediately.
„No. I can't trust him, it's over."
„Oh, okay. Are you alright?"
„Yes, it's better this way"
I smiled at Klaus.
„But we should talk." I said.
„Um yes sure." Klaus answered.

We sat down on the Couch.
„Klaus, I really like you but I don't know if it would be a Good thing if we you know... be more than friends.
We know each other for centuries now and I don't want to loose this or the friendship to your siblings." I said.
It was hard.
I wanted to be with him, but the risk was too high.
I saw the Pain in Klaus eyes.
„Yes, you're right. We shouldn't risk it."
„So you're not angry?"
„No." he answers- he seemed hurt and suddenly he was so cold.
„I just want everything to be like it was." I said, klaus nodded.
Now there was an weird silence.
„We're baaaack!" Hayley shouted.
Thank God! I thought.
„We should go in the Kitchen" Klaus Said.

2 hours later we were finished with Cooking and eating.
„Hayley? Could we talk for a sec?" I asked
We went in my Room.
„Look- I have a Problem... it's about Klaus."
I said.
„Hey what's up? You can tell me." Hayley hugged me.
My eyes got filled with tears.
I told her everything.

„Oh wow, I had no idea... But when you really like him so Much, you should risk it- he obviously likes you back so I don't see a Problem."
Hayley told me.
„Yeah but if we break up-" „stop! You can't think about the break up before you two even are a couple. Everything will be alright, cmon and risk something, you like him!"
„Yea okay your right, I'm going to talk to him Soon."
I still wasn't sure what to do,
but it felt so good to talk to Hayley.
„But aren't you with Damon?"
Hayley asked suddenly.
Shit- i completely forgot to tell her.
„Yeaaa well we broke up a few days ago."
„Oh im sorry- are you okay?"
„Yea I'm fine"
„Are you sure you like Klaus tho? Like maybe he's just a replacement?"
„No, to be honest, I think I've always liked Klaus. I was just too scared to admit it.."
Hayley nodded.
„You should really go talk to Klaus."
„Yes. Okay ima go, thanks Hayley."

I was looking for Klaus in the streets from New Orleans, he said he wanted to go on a Walk so he gotta be somewhere here.
I went into a small street, there were no people but I wanted to search here for him anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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